Chapter 17: No time for fun, there is training to be done!

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It's a quiet Saturday morning, and everyone in the Portal is asleep. Well, that is, except for me. I had stayed up all night thinking about the story that N had told me the other day. What was the true story behind the Portal? Perhaps I had something to do with it? Is that why I'm needed here? To save the Portal? UGH! I had so many questions all coming in at once! I decided to continue pondering on the matter later and get some rest. Just as I was about to drift off to sleep, I heard a soft knock at the door. "What is it now?!" I screamed, burying my face in my pillow. I assumed it was Dark Pit trying to pull a practical joke, like he always did to the townspeople. One thing's for sure, I wasn't going to be fooled by his crazy antics.

A shadowy figure stepped into my room as I launched my pillow right for its face, screaming, "Go away, I don't want to hear any more of your jokes!" The pillow slammed right into the figure, who stumbled backward and hit the floor. I turned around to find a slightly dazed Ash Ketchum on the floor. I had partially knocked him out with a pillow! I scrambled to my feet and helped him up with a mortified look on my face. "I-I'm so sorry, Ash! I thought you were Pitto!" I stuttered. The raven haired boy glanced at me with a smile, kissed my cheek, and replied, "It's all right, my Mimi—er, Peachy!" "You can call me Mimi, it's fine." I stated. "How did you know my real name though?" "It says Mimi Anderson on your trainer card." He explained, pointing to my ID. "N told you he knew your name because he wanted to impress you, but really he just had taken a peek at your identification." I took a peek at the card, surprised to find my name at the top of it. I couldn't believe how oblivious I was. "Well, you should get down to the training area." Ash suggested. "But before you go, how about we—" His words were cut off by the sound of my door breaking and the familiar sound of someone's sandals. An angelic goddess had entered the room, her turquoise hair flowing ever so softly.

"Lady Palutena?!" I shrieked in awe, breaking the silence. "I am she. I've heard so much about you, Mimi." The goddess stated, welcoming me with loving arms and a glowing smile. As she turned towards Ash, a look of suspicion was planted across her face. "Greetings, Mr. Ash." She stated. "H-hi, Miss paluten—" Ash stuttered. "That's Lady Palutena to you, Mister." She interrupted, cutting him off. Her eyes were like sharp lasers viewing our consciences as if they had been stained with malice. "You guys haven't been doing anything NAUGHTY, have you? Perhaps not telling your parents you're dating? Hmm?" "How do you know we're dating?!" Ash and I shot back in unison. "Oh dearies, I know everything." She turned to me. "Come on, it's time to train." "I don't wanna! I'm too lazy." I responded with a whine. After hearing my response, she hoisted me over her shoulder, saying, "If you're going to be stubborn, so be it. We aren't leaving the training area until you train for a whole day." "No! I don't want to! Put me down! I said put me down!" I screamed. "Bye, Mimikyute! Have a great session!" Ash called to me, giving me a wink. "Help me, gumdrop! Please!" I screeched to my boyfriend as the door closed behind Palutena. He began to laugh.

By the time we reached the training area, I decided it was useless to keep complaining and just get the training over with. Palutena put me down gently into a grassy field. I looked around and took a moment to soak in my surroundings. "What are we doing here?" I asked her. The goddess smiled at me and stated, "My dear, it's time you know your true purpose here. You are the reincarnation of Princess Mimiko. How do we know? We took a sample of her DNA and yours, and they match perfectly. You are a princess, my love. You must defeat Ketsuki, who has the throne, and you must overthrow her, become queen, and make peace with her. After that, you will be the Portal's Queen and be loved even more by the townsfolk, and you can even marry the portal's prince, who will soon be the king, too." I took a moment to soak in her words. "WHAT?! So I really am a princess? I can't believe it! I have to overthrow someone and take the throne?! I'll be the future Queen?! That sounds amazing!" I exclaimed. "I'll get to marry the Prince too. Who is the prince, anyway?" "Why, the one you're currently dating, sweetie. Ash Ketchum is the prince. N is the lord of this place, you can marry him too." She stated. "Ash is the Prince? My beloved? My childhood sweetheart who I've been wanting to marry for a long time? I get to marry him?" I asked. "Yes, dear, if you want. Now, enough chitchat. Let's get to training. I'll be your first opponent. Show me what you can do!" She yelled, giving me a wink. "Yes, ma'am!" I replied, saluting her.

After hearing my words, she then began to attack me with ease using rays of light from her staff. The rays hit me with such a strong power. While I stumbled to get up, she tossed the next set of rays at me, which struck me with more burning pain. She continued to throw rays at me, regardless how much pain I was in. "Come on, you have to dodge them!" She screamed at me. "You can jump or reflect them to dodge!" I decided to obey her, in order to avoid the burn of the rays. I tried jumping first. One by one, the rays hurled towards me. I made sure to get the timing right, and jumped over 3 of them with ease. Another set came hurling at me, and I leaped over them as well. After a few more sets, Palutena stopped and told me I did well. Next, came reflecting. The goddess tossed fireballs towards me, saying, "Reflect them! Toadsworth gave you a bunch of powers, didn't he? Try calling out 'shield', 'reflect' or 'sword', and see what happens! You can also obtain various weapons by calling them out. Be careful though, once that green meter runs out, you won't be able to use them anymore. You will have to recharge the meter again to use them by calling out the word 'recharge'! See if you can do it!" I nodded in understanding, and called out the words shield, sword, and reflect. Immediately after I said those words, a sword and shield appeared in my hands, while I used a reflect attack to avoid the fireball. While doing so, I noticed the meter was almost down to zero. I called out the word recharge and the meter instantly filled up. "Nice job! The meter's fully charged now!" The goddess called. "Excellent job, Mimi!" She ran towards me, enveloping me in her arms. Her gentle hug was that of a mother's, so soft and loving. I embraced her lovingly. "We probably should head back now." I stated.

Before the goddess could reply, a loud voice called out, "Hey! Mimi!" Pit was waiting for me with open arms. My eyes glowed with delight. I ran towards him, embracing his open arms. His wings enveloped me, as he continued to hug me. "I knew you could do it." The angel stated. "Hey, I've always wondered something." "Yeah?" I replied. "How do you get through life?" He asked. I looked at his smiling face, cheerfully waiting for an answer. It was the kind of face you rarely see in life, a face of hope and anticipation. "Optimism. If I weren't happy, I guess I would be screwed." I responded, giggling. Pit stared at me with hopeful eyes, then put his hands on my shoulders. "Mimi.... Please... Please..." He uttered. I could feel my heart fluttering about, my body stiff. "W-what's the matter?" I stuttered, gazing into his crystal blue eyes. "This is like something out of a shoujo manga... Is this really happening?" I thought to myself. "Please save the portal... You're our only hope, and the battle with Ketsuki isn't that far away." The angel replied. I breathed a sigh of relief, thankful the moment was over.

Pit noticed my relieved expression, and with a chuckle, stated, "What? You thought I was going to ask you out?" His words echoed in my mind, my heart pounding. "No, not at all! I mean, not that I wouldn't go on a date with you! You're really adorable and sweet! I just... Well," I stuttered, trying to think of the right response. After hearing my garbled response, Pit's smile faded, and he glanced at me with sorrow. "I see how it is. Ash is the guy for you, huh? I understand." He sighed. "Nah, nah, wait! I'm dating him, but... I have feelings for you too, ya cinnamon roll!" I gushed.

Pit's eyes dilated, and he began kissing my lips softly. I was shocked, resisting the kiss. "What? What are you doing? No, I shouldn't kiss you...I... But it is sweet, like sugar... Your kiss...!!!" I stated. In the blink of an eye, he pulled me into another smooch. I tried to resist, but I failed. Slowly, I sank into the kiss, while caressing the angel softly. He kissed me harder, his wings caressing me. I felt safe in his arms, so soft and comforting like a security blanket. After we had pulled away, I stated, "You're such an awesome kisser! How are you able to—" my words were cut off by the sound of laughter. Pit was laughing so hard he could hardly breathe. "So are you, Princess Mimi! Gosh, if you're that intense with kissing, you can certainly beat Ketsuki." He joked, after gaining back his composure. "Thank you! I've actually had practice from a certain someone." I replied, remembering the taste of Ash's kisses. "Do you think lady Palutena saw us kissing?" Pit chuckled. Before I could reply, Lady Palutena slapped our faces. "Shame on you both! You're steering away from the plot! The plot is not to have Mimi kiss every guy!" She yelled, breaking the fourth wall. "Get back to training now! The story has to be interesting for the audience, not boring!" She hissed at me. With these words, she angrily dragged me back to the training site. Pit waved to me in the distance.  

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