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This is going to be a shorter chapter, just so you guys know.


Violet's P.O.V.

It had been about two months since the first task and the girls had been acting very strange around the boys. Whenever a girl and boy saw each other, the girl would giggle and wave. It was weird. Finally, after seeing this happen for a 500th time during Potions, I turned to Severus.

"What is going on with them?" I asked.

"I will tell you later." He said, not looking up. I thought I caught the smallest hint of a smile on his face.

"Ok, now you're acting weird." I said. Severus chuckled. "Just tell me!"

"Soon." Severus said. I groaned.

"Fine." I said. 

I waited until all of Severus's classes were done and then I walked up to him. 

"Can you tell me now?" I asked.

"No. You'll see soon, my love." Severus said. He kissed me on the forehead.

"It better be good if I have to wait this long." I said.

"Violet, trust me. You'll love it." Severus said. 

I spent the rest of the day reading in my office until I heard the door open. I saw Severus standing there.

"So, are you gonna tell me what's going on?" I asked, putting my book down. 

"Come with me." Severus said. 

Severus took me into his office and I saw that there was a large box sitting there. I turned to Severus.

"What is this?" I asked. 

"You'll see." He said, grinning. He wrapped his arms around my waist and nuzzled me.

"Aw, you're being affectionate with me." I said. 

"Yes, I am." Severus said. He kissed the back of my head. 

"So what's going on? Why is everyone acting so weird?" I asked.

"It's because of a ball." Severus said. "There's going to be a ball on Christmas night." 

"Oh, now I get why the girls are giggling around the boys." I said. 

"Yes." Severus nodded. He gestured to the box. "Open it."

I took the box in my hands and opened it. I gasped. Inside was the most gorgeous dress I had ever seen in my life. It was a deep blue and looked like it would touch the floor. 

"I got the size off your robes. I hope you don't mind." Severus said. 

"Severus, this must have cost a fortune!" I said. 

"Don't worry about that." Severus said. "About the ball. I was wondering if you would like to go with me?" 

"Severus Snape, are you asking me out on our very first date?" I asked. 

"It looks that way, yes." Severus said. 

"Of course I'll go with you." I said. "And the dress is gorgeous. How did you know that my favorite color is blue?"

"Do you remember when the schools first came and I was asking you all those questions so I wouldn't have to talk to Karkaroff?" Severus asked. I nodded. "Well, I asked you what your favorite color was. And you said deep blue."

"You remembered." I smiled.

I got up from where I had been sitting and kissed Severus. He kissed me back and when we pulled away, we were panting. Severus looked into my eyes. 

Severus Snape and Violet MarnerWhere stories live. Discover now