The Polyjuice Potion Plan

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Violet's P.O.V. 

I woke up the next moment and couldn't figure out why I was in Severus's bed, but he wasn't sleeping beside me. Then everything from the previous night flooded back. I felt like I was going to throw up. I hadn't slept very well. I looked around for my letter, but I couldn't find it. Where was it? I went into Severus's office and nearly had a heart attack. Harry was asleep on the couch. I gasped. He had my letter clutched in his hand. Had he read it? I picked it up and put it safely in my pocket. I went into my privite quarters and took a shower. I also brushed my hair. When I came out into my office, Harry was awake and sitting at my desk.

"The funeral's at noon." He said. I looked at him blankly. "For Dumbledore."

"Oh. Right." I said. "Did you read my letter?"

"Yeah." Harry said sheepishly. "He thought of me as a son?"

"He does. He's not bad, Harry." I said. I took a shakey breath. "There's another side to him. Though he hides it well, he knows how to have fun. He knows how to smile and laugh. And I wish you could have seen that side of him before this." 

"Then why were you crying last night if you know that he's good?" Harry asked.

"Because even though he was just acting, the things that he said still hurt me. And I miss him, Harry." I said. "It's hard for me since we just got engaged."

"What were the memories that he wanted me to see?" Harry asked.

I picked them up off my desk and took Severus's pensieve out. I looked at Harry before I poured the memories in.

"If you have any questions after seeing these, I will answer them to the best of my ability." I said. Harry nodded.

"No secrets?" He asked.

"None." I said. I poured the memories in. 

I watched Harry while he watched the memories. There were times when he would twitch. After 20 minutes, he pulled his head out. He looked shocked.

"I'm a Horcrux." He breathed. 

"You're a what?" I asked.

"A Horcrux." Harry said. "They're objects in which you conceale a piece of your soul. In other words, you can't die. Dumbledore and I think that's how Voldemort survived."

"That's why you have to die." I said.

"Yeah." Harry said.

"What was in there?" I asked.

"There were some of me and him and a lot of you and him. All nice to see." Harry said. "But then I saw one where Dumbledore told him that a part of Voldemort was inside me. I'm going on a journey to destroy all the Horcruxes. I'm not coming back to Hogwarts next year."

"Well, I'm coming with you." I said.

"Would you?" Harry asked hopefully. "That would be great." 

"Well, you're my nephew. It's my job to protect you." I said. "Do you mind if I stay at Grimmauld place until we go on that journey?"

"Not at all. The Weasley's are almost finished building their new house, so feel free to move in whenever you like." Harry said. 

"Harry, please don't tell anyone about what you saw here, not even Ron and Hermione." I said.

"Why not?" Harry asked.

"Severus could be killed if anyone told someone untrustworthy about him really being on our side." I said. Harry nodded.

"Alright." He said. "Thank you for telling me all of this, Violet." 

"You're welcome." I said. "Go see your friends. They're probably wondering where you are." 

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