Please Don't Go

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Finally, we have arrived at the emotional seperation of our couple! I think the song I put in expresses what they're both feeling. Omg, it's my last day of school today!! *does High School Musical routine*

Edit (June 12, 2017): I don't even like High School Musical and at this point I'd never seen it before. 

Also why can't I spell "separation."


Violet's P.O.V.

"SEVERUS!" I called. I didn't know what I was doing. I just wanted him to look at me. "SEVERUS!" He wouldn't look at me, probably to protect me.

"SNAPE!" Harry yelled. I looked at him, knowing fully well what he was going to say. "Snape killed Dumbledore!"

"What?!" Remus said. "Harry, are you sure-"

"I saw it with my own eyes!" Harry yelled. He looked to me desperately. "You believe me, don't you?"

"Come on, Harry." I said, my heart breaking. "We'll get him."

Harry and I ran out of the castle and through the woods. We finally caught up with Severus and the Death Eaters at Hagrid's hut, which Bellatrix had set on fire. Harry's face had turned to one of rage and he ran towards Severus.

"SNAPE!" He cried. "HE TRUSTED YOU!"

"Go on!" Severus yelled to Draco.

"He trusted you!" Harry was in tears as he fired a spell at Severus. Severus blocked it. "FIGHT BACK, YOU COWARD! FIGHT BACK!"

Bellatrix fired the Cruciatus Curse at Harry and he fell to the ground, writhing in pain. I ran up to Harry and knelt at his side.

"NO! HE BELONGS TO THE DARK LORD!" It was the loudest I'd ever heard Severus yell.

Severus gave Harry and I a look and started to leave. I almost screamed for him to come back, but Harry got up and fired another spell at him.

"SECTUMSEMPRA!" Harry yelled. Severus blocked that one with ease, too. He walked up to Harry, who had fallen on the ground again.

"You dare use my own spells against me, Potter?" He asked. "Yes. I'm the Half-Blood Prince."

Severus kicked Harry's wand and I got up and held my wand out. Severus looked at me. He was giving me a look that said, 'Please, don't make me do this.'

"What do you want, Marner?" He asked. I winced as if he had struck me. He had never called me by my last name before.

"Severus, how could you do this to me? To us?" I asked.

"Us?" Severus scoffed. "There is no us. There was never any us."

"You kissed me. You knew what was going to happen and you still played with my affections like I was your toy or something." I said.

"You were my toy. Ever since you told me you loved me, you have been my toy." Severus said. "And I have grown tired of you." I gritted my teeth. I knew he was only acting. I kept myself calm for the most part, but tears were still pouring down my face.

"Go. Before I kill you." I said. "Go while I still allow it."

"I will accept your most gracious offer." Severus said, mock bowing. He tripped a little and got close enough to my ear to whisper, "I love you always."

I almost started sobbing, but I calmed myself down. I looked into his eyes and gave him a look that said, 'I love you too.'

Severus half walked-half jogged down the hill and into the forest. I started sobbing uncontrollably. I swore that I saw Severus look back at me, but I couldn't be sure because my tears were blurring my vision. I knelt by Harry's side.

Severus Snape and Violet MarnerWhere stories live. Discover now