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Disclaimer: I do not own the Twilight franchise(it owns me) and I am only taking ownership of my own character therein. Do NOT copy my story or I'll come after you... I'm serious.

(Let me know if y'all want me to put the music I listened to while writing on here.)

An Interesting Way To Put Things.

It was midnight when she heard Alice's gasp. The tell tale sound of something coming and Hero didn't get a warm fuzzy feeling about anything that Alice saw in her visions. She couldn't quite tell this time. Her chest gave a sort of in between feeling and she got out of bed to go to her adoptive sister. When she got to the living room, she found the whole family sitting around Alice. A piece of paper in front of her. An old looking castle a small figure beside what looked to be the doors.

"The Volturi are coming," Alice said and Hero saw her sister's eyes fill with tears. Alice looked at Hero and everyone else followed. Alice gasped again and Jasper flipped the paper over, but she didn't pick up the pencil again. "They're coming here."

"What's going on?" Hero asked she could feel her heart beat against her ribcage rapidly in fear.

"They're coming for you."


Lovely. Just lovely. Wonderful. The Volturi were coming for me. To check and make sure that I was still human. 'Human.' I didn't even think that I was human. At least not all the way. Normal humans' hands don't spark. Ridiculous.

"Hero? You alright?" I turned from staring at my wall to looking at my doorway. Jasper stood there, a worried expression engraved on his face. Aside from my sister's husband, he was my best friend. I could never hide anything from him. Edward could read my mind sure, but Jasper could feel how I felt. My happiness, no matter how rare it was, my sadness, my nervousness.

"Just nervous." I shrugged. "From what you guys have told me of the Volturi, they're terrible people. I don't want to have to meet them, let alone talk to them and lie." Jasper nodded and came over to sit beside me on my couch. "Jasper, I don't know what I am... Do- ... Do you think they could tell me?" I asked. Jasper shrugged.

"Maybe." He said. "Even if they can't, Aro will be able to tell that you aren't a vampire which is all they really care about." He said and when I stayed silent, he nudged me. "You'll be fine, darlin'." He said and I smiled as he kissed my temple before leaving the room.


The snow crunched under my Dr. Marten's and I shivered in my long coat. "Should've grabbed a scarf," I grumbled as I rubbed my gloved hands together. "But you didn't and now you're probably gonna get hypothermia."

"Quit talking to yourself," Edward said walking up behind me. "It's bad enough having to listen to your thoughts. You never stay on one topic."

"Stay out of my brain," I said shoving him. Edward chuckled and bent down. I didn't realize he was picking up the snow from the giant field until it hit the back of my head and got down the back of my shirt. I gasped in surprise and shivered, turning on him immediately. "You little-" I abruptly cut off and into a squeal of surprise as I was picked up and tossed over an all too familiar beefy shoulder. "Emmett! Put. Me. Down." I said firmly as I beat his lower back in vain.

"No can do." He said and I grumbled in frustration.

"Rose!" I called helplessly.

"You're on your own, Ro!" She called from Esme's side. I rubbed my hands together and poked Emmett's lower back, hoping the small sparks would be enough to catch him off guard. Also hoping that they would decide to show up at will just this once. They didn't.

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