2 || Ink! Sans x Reader x Error! Sans ||

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[ Edited: Nov. 12, 2018 ]

🖌Ink Route🖌

" Ink." You stuttered blushing.

Error looked a bit hurt at your decision. Obviously he was, you didn't choose him.

" We can still be friends, right Error?" You asked.

" S_s-sure." He said and quickly left through a portal.

Ink ran up and hugged you, making sure none of the paint bottles he had were hurting or injuring you.

" (Name) I've loved you ever since I met you. I love how creative you are with everything!" Ink said as you hugged back.

For a guy with no muscles he was pretty strong. Well... strong enough to lift you up that is.

" I love you too Ink." You smile and laugh as he puts you down.

After he sets you down, you looked at his face. He was blushing every color of the rainbow and looked like he would burst from excitement. He looked around nervously before moving his face towards yours in a "kiss". It was more like teeth on lips, but for a skeleton it was a kiss. And you were happy with it.

θ θ θ

You dated Ink for years. There wasn't much trouble since it was well... Ink. If he did anything he would either crack under pressure and confess or he didn't do anything.

You were still friends with Error, but.. you knew you wouldn't be friends on the same level as before. He loved you, and you rejected him basically. Of course it was awkward, and he still felt bitter towards Ink. Not so much you as him.

Today was a regular day, you and Ink were walking around an AU. Yes, Ink decided to take a break from your AU and show you places like Undertale, Underswap, Underfell. Well, maybe not Underfell. He didn't want you to get hurt, and that wasn't a place where he could guarantee your safety. So, today you were in the original AU Undertale.

No one was around, from where you were. Undertale had a calmer vibe to it, especially while it was waiting for the next human to come through.

" So... (Name) we've been together for awhile now." Ink started. He looked nervous, and was nervous.

" Yeah, 5 years Ink, It's been a long while!" You laugh.

" Yeah, so I was wondering," he got down on one knee, and took out a colorfull box. Inside the box was a small ring, it was a clear diamond so that it could reflect every color.

" W-will y-you m-marry me?" He stuttered looking at you with big eyes. His rainbow blush growing as he looked up at you.

Everything was silent, like the day you met Error. Only... it actually was. No waterfalls, no echo flowers, even the music seemed to pause.

" Yes! I will!" You said, tears beginning to fill your eyes.

During the hug he slipped the ring on your finger. You felt you made the right choice of who to love.

Only... Choices never matter.

Ţ̸̯͖̞̤̺̺͎̱̎̓̑́̀͋̑͛̍͑̔̀̾͋̈̅͑̇̓̋̎͆̀̈́̕̕͠͝͠h̴͎̦̀̏̔̅̎͆̎͌̅̏̀̆̚͠ẹ̵̤̦̤̤̬̤̖̬̰̫̦͔̰̝̳̲̻̜̈́͌́̃̄́̌͗̍̐̿̀́̈́͑͐̌̒̔͝͠ ̵̟͖͛̐Ê̴̛͔̈̈́̅̈̐̈́̃͗͂̋͛̒̐̓̓̚͘̕͠ŗ̶̢̡̛̥͈͍̙̟̰̭̣̪͈̼̲͉̯̱̰̭̲̦̱̹̜̭̳̗̌̑͋̾͆͐̈͒̿̾̾̈́͗̊̈́̎́͗̽̀͆̏̉͘̕͜ͅͅr̶̨̡̢̛̼̼̰͇̗̠͚̼̼̻̱̻̺͚̤̥̯̣͎͕̺͚̮͓̣̣̦̯̓͌͑̄̽̿̋́̌͊̀̿̓̑́̎͋ơ̴̧̱͉̤͕̭̘̙̫̰͉͙̟̮͙̼͉̬̯̯̻̌͌͒̇̀̐̽̑̀͑̌͛̄̀̔̍̄͂͌́͌͑̌̊̕̕͜͝͝r̷͚̯̽͊̈̈̐́̂̓͘̚͝ ̷̡̢̧̛̘̬͔̫̪̹̥̬͚̯͍̗̥̭̠̙͖̦̼͕́̈́͑̒͐͘͜ͅṚ̸̢̡͎̦̹̫̹͍̹̳͇̱̙̣͍̹͚̪͙̱̙̟̰͔̮̤̮̗͌̈́̑͑̆̆͋́̽͋̆̓̀̎̉͋̃̔͋̂̄̿͘͘͘͠ͅỏ̵̡̨̡̦̗̺͙̰̳̣̣̦̬̟̟̬̯̭͍̖̼̣̬̓̊̊̓̍́̀̿̓̎̐̍͊̉̋̋̈́̋͂͌͘͘̕͝͝ͅư̴̢̡̢̢̤̰̜̤̮͇̝̟̥̯̫̻̬̙̳̗͉̬̣͖̺̱̥͚̳̾̎͛̌̀̇͛͛̀̈́̋̈́͌̀̕ẗ̸̼͍͕̱̤͔̩̤̩͚́̋̀̐͊̄̐̂̃͑ȇ̴̢̡̢͖̯̫̻̼̖̮̠̻̲̫͍̯̜͎̮̮͈͎͚̘̦̘͙͈̬̆̆̅́̊̋́̾̿̎͝͝

"...Error." You said quickly.

Error looked at you with surprise as you blushed a light pink. It was unexpected considering it was a natural color, unlike Ink's rainbow blush.

" Well... I can't blame you for your choice, we'll still be friends right?" Ink asks walking up to you.

" Of course Ink!" You smile and he leaves you two alone.

The second Ink leaves Error hugs you like your going to disappear any second. He says some stuff which is too glitched to even comprehend.

" What did you say again?" You ask hugging Error back.

" I_i-I l_l-l-l oV_e y-ooo-u mo_r-e t_HAn a-n_ything." He says.

" I love you two Error." You smile and hug him more.

θ θ θ

You and Error dated for... 2-3 years. There were bumps here and there, but nothing that really damaged your relationship.

Maybe once or twice you'd have an argument, or Error would hurt someone that didn't deserve it. He got jealous easily, I guess.

It wasn't like you had a controlling relationship. He let you hang out with who you wanted to, it woulf apply to him too if he had any friends. It was normal boyfriend jealousy, you talk to a guy for too much, especially one that used to love you, possibly Ink. Thats when he'd get jealous.

Today was,fairly normal. Nothing too exciting, yet nothing bad. Error hasn't come over yet, and Ink had just left. You found out that Ink helped brighten up timelines. Either destroyed timelines, or ones much like your own that were nothing to begin with.

You also found out Error was the reason Ink did this. No, you didn't hate Error you sorta understood. You never directly told Ink, and you never planned to. But, jealousy has gotten the better of him several times. You thought maybe he just might be jealous of the AU's that arent errored like him. Or he was just a villain and like destroying AU's. You'd never seem him do it before, so you had no idea of you should be worried or not. So, you still loved him.

" I wonder where Error is." You thought aloud.

Several minutes later, a  portal opened up, and Error stepped through. He didn't look as, happy. Maybe even, nervous.

" Hey Error! You alright?" You ask.

" H-e_Y (N-A_me). I'm f_in-eE w_Hh-y d_do y-_oU a-s_k?" Error replies.

"No reason." You sigh.

You two talk for a little bit. Error seems to get a little more worried.

" H_eY (N-aA_mE). I t_h-i-nk w_We los-t i_it." Error sighs.

" Lost what?" You ask nervously.

" L_o-st w-h_At ma-de us l-o_ve e-a_ch-other." He replies.

" Are you trying to say..." You say tears started forming in the corner of your eyes.

" s_O-rry (N-_amE)." He says and opens a portal leaving.

But of course... Choices don't matter.





Word Count: 1029

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