8 || Swap! Sans x Shy! Reader [2] ||

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[ Edited: Dec. 24, 2018 ]

Editors Note: I had know idea what to do to fix this really.

" (Y/N)!" You heard a voice call out to as everything faded.

" H-hello?" You choke out, everything felt numb to you.

' Is this the afterlife?' You thought.

You looked around at the nothing around you. It was odd, there wasn't anything there but you were laying on something. Maybe you were just laying  in a dark room.

" Maybe this is just hell." You muttered.

" Woah kid. You look bad, where'd you come?" A voice asks.

You sit up, spinning around towards the voice. There was a small lighted patch of grass. Floating on it was one of those yellow save things that the humans used. The person who was standing there looked a bit like Blue. Except, he has a bloody slash across his body. His jacket was white along with his slippers which also has blood on them. He had a red scarf, and black shorts with a white stripe. Half of his face had this white glitch covering it, and blood came out of his mouth. You didn't want to say anything. You just looked at him scared and shy.

" Hey kid. Don't worry. I'm- like your Sans, but from a different world.  You can call me Geno." He smiles. You looked at your hand. You hadn't even noticed you stood up.

" (N-N-name)." You said lightly.

" (Name) huh? You okay?" He asked reaching his hand out to you.

" A-a bit." You stuttered.

" Really? You don't look so good." Geno replied.

A shard of glass floated up to you. Around your eyes were red, as if you hadn't slept. You could barely see with just the shard of glass, but there looked to be a purple bruised line around your neck, probably from one of the strings. You gasped at your appearance and stumbled back, falling over in the process.

" Hey, don't worry! You feel fine, right? That's all that matters now!" Geno smiled awkwardly.

" So, why are you here?" He asked.

" I-I died..." you realized.

" Yeah, that's most likely why anyone's here. Strange though, Reaper should've come to get your soul by now. Unless..." Geno trailed off.

" Un-unless w-what?" You asked.

" Unless you aren't supposed to be dead." He said suddenly.

" W-w-what?" You asked.

" Who killed you?" He asked quickly.

You looked at him with shock.,You don't remember much of what happened. Even though it only seemed to be a few minutes ago

" I d-d-don't know- he l-looked l-like, l-like an, e-error I g-guess." You said quietly.

" Of course." Geno said under his breath. Slowly everything around your vision began to turn a green color.

" W-what's g-going on!" You panicked as you felt the green surround you.

" It was nice meeting you (Name)! Tell Blueberry I said Hi!" Geno waved goodbye as you slowly disappeared.

" W-what! W-where a-am I-I g-going!" You yelled, trying to get an actual answer. Your vision filled with green, and soon faded to black.

θ θ θ

After you'd died in Underswap Blueberry understandably cried. He cried holding your body as Error disappeared to cause chaos elsewhere.

Blueberry knew that in other AU's you could be as destructive as Frisk, or as sweet as Chara, or maybe a skeleton for all he knows. He loved you and never got to tell you that while you were alive.

" (N-name)... -sniff- I-I lo-love you." He sniffled.

Papyrus didn't know what happened. Only Sans could travel through different AU's. So, he wasn't there to witness what happened to you.

Suddenly, Sans saw two colors infront of him.

Green, A calming color. And Black, a color filled with anxiety. A wispy black that looked like the cape of a grim reaper. The way the edges of this colors seemed to rip out from the rest of it's blob scared Blueberry. He looked up, one looked like the queen, Toriel in a green dress, and the other was a familiar person.

' Reaper.' He thought.

" Hey, kiddo." Sans,said.

" W-what a-a-are you doing here?" Blueberry asked trying to stop his flowing tears.

" Saving your friends soul." The queen wearing a green dress said the same time Reaper said, " Collecting a soul."

" W-what! No! Y-you c-can't (Name) wasn't supposed to die yet! She- she..." Blueberry panicked, trailing off.

" Calm down, my child. Your friend (Name) will be alright." The lady said calmly. Blueberry calmed down and looked up at the lady.

" Who are you?" Blueberry asked curiously.

" I am Toriel, caretaker of the ruins and of all life in the underground." Toriel said.

" Aren't you the Queen?" Blueberry asked.

" In this universe I might be, but not in mine." Toriel sighs as she looks at you.

Blueberry slightly loosened the grip he had on you. Reaper Sans seemed to have left during the conversation, he probably got bored.

" Oh my, I hope she'll be alright." Toriel says as a green light surrounded your body.

" Don't worry (Name)! You'll be back soon!" Blueberry smiled optimistically as he saw your skin turn from cold and graying to what it was like before. The bruises on your body from the strings faded, and the red around your eyes quickly faded.

" Is she waking up!" Blueberry asked as his eyes lit up. The green light slowly dropped you down back into Blueberry's arms and he watched your eyes fluttered open. You gasped for air and sat up trying to find the air you needed.

" (Name)! Your alive! Your alive!" Blueberry cheered hugging you with care.

" I-I thought you were g-gone, I-I th-thought I-d n-never say how much I-I love you!" Blueberry cried. You blushed. Not only from the fact your crush was hugging you, but from the fact he admitted to loving you.

" I-I love y-you t-too." You wheezed, coughing.

Blueberry's eyed seemed to light up like sparkling rocks, but then went back to before.

" Are you okay! (Name) you need help, let's get you back home!" Blueberry said frantically getting you up.

You stumbled since only mere minutes ago the blood in your legs had stopped.

" Oh! I'm sorry! Are you okay!? C'mon let's go, I can carry you if you need to!" Blueberry anxiously said.

" I-I'm f-fine." You say trying to get up.

" I... I love you (Name)." Blueberry said kissing your cheek. You turned a bright red as you two made your way to Blue's home.

Who knew you just had to die to find love.


That's a lesson. Don't listen to my advice and don't die for love.

Anyway, I hoped you enjoyed!

Word Count: 1137

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