7 || Swap! Sans x Shy! Reader ||

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[ Edited: Dec. 23, 2018 ]

Editors Note: Swap Sans is referred to as Blue/Blueberry throughout this.

" Hi (Name)!" Blueberry greeted you happily.

You shrieked and ran away from the little skeleton. You weren't afraid of Blue, you were just why- very, very shy.

It didn't help that you liked him too. You've "talked" to him before. You basically stuttered out a "hello", and Blueberry talked for the rest of the hour you two spent together.

" Wait, (Name)! Come back!" Blueberry yelled as you ran off to Waterfall, loosing him on the way.

" That was close." You thought as you sat down by a river.

" (Name)!" A happy voice huffed. It was Blueberry.

" B-blue! W-w-why are y-you h-here?" You ask.

" Why- why did you- huff- run?" Blueberry asked sitting next to you.

" B-because--" you said looking away.

" I don't like it when you lie, (Name)." Blueberry said touching your arm. You pulled your arm quickly away from him.

" I-it's n-nothing... j-just, give m-m-me some space." You say getting up and walking away.

Blueberry didn't follow you. He knew you could be stubborn, and he also started picking up on the fact that you were shy. Also, Papyrus had told him.

" I guess you don't love me like I do." Blueberry sighed talking to himself after he knew you were gone.

Blueberry really enjoyed the few conversations he'd get with you. Even if you didn't talk much to him, or at all, it was enough to brighten his day.

" Hey bro, why are SKULLking around?" Papyrus asked, seeing his brother walking towards his sentry station.

" No reason brother! We must go home and prepare for dinner!" He said happily running off.

If only (Name) could come to dinner.

θ θ θ

You felt bad for pushing away Blueberry. It was just a instinct of yours.

" H-he_y_y." You heard an odd and glitchy voice.

You stopped and looked around. You knew walking around the woods was probably a bad idea, but you saw nothing there. As you continued walking, these odd glitching noises started getting louder.

' I should start going back.' You thought, starting to walk quicker.


" H-h-hello?" There was no reply.

You tried to walk forward, but you were pulled back by a force.

" Blue Strings?" You mumbled, looking down.

" Y-y_eah k-_id, b-b_lue str-i_ngs." The same glitchy voice said before everything went black.

θ θ θ

" Papy! I haven't seen (Name) all day!" Blue said slightly worried.

" Maybe she's in Waterfall or somethin'." Papyrus shrugged.

" No, she said she was going to go home. Its been snowing ever since, so she shouldn't have gone outside." Blue explained.

" Maybe she went on a walk in the woods today." Papyrus suggested.

" Of course, that's probably where she went! I'll go find her!" Blue cheered. walking out of the house.

He was thinking, hoping really, that you were alright. Blue walked through Snowdin, towards the woods.

" Where could she be?" He asked, walking around.

" (Name)! (Name)!" He called. You weren't there, but he see something on the ground in the distance.

" What's that?" I ask walking up to it.

Slightly covered by snow was a (F/Color), your scarf. His eyes widen. Close by the scarf were blue strings.

( Editors Note: The note that was here before still stands. This is an AU where the Sans' know of the existence of the other timelines and eachother. )

" Error!" He realized. He picked up (Name)'s scarf and ran home.

" PAPY! We need to save (Name)!" I say bursting through the door.

" Why bro?" Papy asks.

" Error took her! How do we find her!?" He panicked. Papyrus went silent.

" Let's go." He said, the two running outside.

θ θ θ

You were scared. Everywhere and everything around her was empty except for strings and dolls strung up by them.

" Lo-_ook th-e l_i-ttle p-u_ppets aw-wake." The thing said. You didn't know what it was. It looked like a skeleton but- messed up.

" W-who a-are y-y-you?" You asked.

" C-a_ll me E-___rr-or." 'Error' replied.

" W-why a-am I her-e?" You asked

You were scared whoever this was seemed to have the intent to kill you. Besides, after that argument with Blueberry you doubted he'd even notice you were gone. No one would care.

" B-_ec-ause I-iii n_eed to g-et y-o-ooou're p-re_cious B-Blueberry here_ere." Error replied.

" He's n-not c-c-oming." You said.

" I-ii b_-eg to-oo di-differ." Error said.

A portal opened up showing your world, Underswap.

" B-blueberry! R-run! I-it's a t-t-trap!" You tried yelling. Your voice was too weak to yell, it came out more as a whisper than anything.

" (Name)! You're here!" Blueberry happily said running up to you. You were dangling in the air by the blue string that came out of the skeleton's fingers. A blue string came right up to the little skeleton.

" W-watch out!" You said, eyes widening.

" Huh?" Blueberry asked.,He didn't move and the string got him, causing other strings to get him and pull him away from you.

" N-no! (Name)!" Blueberry said trying to get back to you.

" Y_ou t-h_ought it'd_d be-e th-this e-e-easy?!" The skeleton asked, chuckling.,

You felt strings tighten around your soul. It hurt more than anything.

" Ow!" You hiss in pain.

" No! Don't hurt (Name)!" Blueberry cried.

' He really does care for me?' You thought, looking up to meet his gaze across the area.

" T-t_o l-l_ate." Error said.

You felt nothing, as your body disappeared into dust.

" NO, (NAME)!" Blueberry shrieked, trying to reach out to you.

To Be Continued


Sorry this took longer than I said. The internet in my house was down for a bit and Wattpad wouldn't save what I wrote so I was waiting for my internet to work a bit better.

Word Count: 1010

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