17 || Imagine 1 - ❤ Pt. 1 ||

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[ Edited: March 9, 2019 ]

Editor's Note: These all are short, and stayed pretty short after I edited them.

Undertale Sans

  "Hey (Name), wanna' hear somethin?'." Sans said.

"What?" You asked.

You were sitting on the couch upside down. Meaning your feet hung over the back, and your head almost reached the ground. Papyrus would've not agreed with the idea of you sitting like this, but Frisk was doing so you just had to sit the same way.

"I love you." He smirked and made a kissy face. Frisk made a gagging sound, to show they thought it was gross.

"Idiot, the kid doesn't want to hear that." You laugh and shove him.

"Whatever, it's true." He laughs.

Underfell Sans/Fell

  "Hey, kid..." Fell said while walking up to you, he was clearly embarassed by the red hue on his cheeks.

"Kid, aren't we the same age?" You questioned the nickname.

"Shut it! I can call you kid if I wanna'." Fell replied harshly.

"Okay, calm down." You sighed and sat down in the snow.

"Why are you sitting in the snow?" He asked after a second, looking at you oddly.

"Because you were going to tell me something, weren't you?" You replied.

"That doesn't answer why you're sitting in the snow, kid." He smirked.

Suddenly he sat down in front of you. Both of you were near the Ruins since he worked close by and you happened to enjoy wandering around the forest some days.

"Why are you sitting in the snow?" You asked.

"Touché, I came to tell ya' that I love you, brat." He said getting quieter. It was only you two, but you heard it pretty clearly since there was not much background noise to cover his words up.

" Hm? What was that now, edgy?" You smirk. He glared at you, knowing you heard exactly what he said.

"Nevermind, see you later!" He growled and ran off.

"Love you too, Sans." You said once he left, blushing lightly.

Underswap Sans/Blue

   "(Name)! I need help finding something!" Blueberry called to you. Blue invited you over since he didn't want to be home alone. Apparently Papyrus left to go to Muffet's.

"What is it Blue?" You ask.

"I seem to have lost my heart." Blue said while trying to act confident. You looked at him confused.

"Where was the last place you- saw--it." You said as you slowly realized what Blue would reply with.

"I last saw it with you." He said, his eyes sparkled with small hearts.

You sighed and laughed slightly, "Where did you get such a terrible pick up line from?"

"Papyrus told me to say it! Was it really that bad?" He asked, the hearts changing back to sparkles.

You laugh, "It wasn't that bad, just really-- funny. I love you too, Blue."

He smiled as you pat his head, it was a general loving gesture since you were quite a bit taller than him, "I share the sane affections for you, (Name)!"

Error Sans

  Error was glitching a lot more lately now that you two were together. You could visibly see a lot more glitches around him, more errors appeared on his body as well, oh, and of course, he was stuttering a lot more.

"Error, please calm down. There's no way this could be good for you." You say trying to stop him from glitching so much.

"I-_i-- I..." He tried to say.

"Breath Error, it's just me." You said and placed your hands on his shoulders. Slowly, the glitching subsided and it seemed almost completely normal again.

"Feel any better?" You ask and smile.

"Y-eee_ahH." He replied.

"Stop doing stuff like that! It really freaks me out!" You pout. He chuckled in his glitchy way. He looked at your (Eye Color) eyes and cupped your cheeks.

"Hmm?" You ask while looking at him.

" I love you." He stated. There was silence before you started clapping and he began glitching again.

"W_hH-at'r-re yO_uUu cl-ap-pping a-a_-at-t-t!" He said slightly angrily.

"You didn't stutter at all, good job!" You smiled happily. Error stopped for a second and looked at you.

"I really didn't stutter!" He thought happily.

"Th-thhhhen I_i r-eAll_yY d-d_o mean i-_it." He smirked.

You blushed before replying, " Why wouldn't you, of course I love you too."

Ink Sans

   You knew Ink loved to draw, paint, sketch, and pretty much anything that had to do with art. Sometimes he would give you pictures of hearts, or take a normal paint brush and paint a small heart on your cheek.

"Hey (Y/N), do you know why I do this?" He asks as he painted a larger heart that covered your entire cheek.

"No, why?" You ask, confused why he was suddenly asking.

"Read it for yourself!" He smiled happily and he disappeared through a portal. You didn't move and just thought for a second.

"What?" You asked yourself. You just decided to get up and go on with your day since you didn't understand what he said.

Confused on what to do you now, you looked down at your hands. There wad a lot of blue paint left from a project you were helping Ink with. You felt it was a good time to finally wash your hands. In the bathroom you looked in the mirror for a second before noticing the heart Ink painted. It has "I Love..." painted on it. You laughed lightly as you saw it.

"I already knew that, Ink." You said to yourself. As you washed your hands some of the blue paint wasn't coming off.

"Ugh, what is this stuff even made out of?" You wondered. After you washed most of it off you noticed that the remaining paint seemed to work out something.

"Does that say you?" You ask as you look at it.

"Yup! Because I love- you!" Ink said and appeared at the bathroom door.

You screamed and jumped, "You scared me!"

"How long had he been there?" You thought.

"But, you love me right?" Ink said.

"Of course I do Ink, just don't scare me like that!" You say and push him out of the bathroom and close the door.

"Yay!" He cheered from the other side.

"Idiot." You shake your head.


Sorry for not updating in forever. I just got sidetracked while typing this.

Word Count: 1070

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