3 || Underswap! Gaster x Broken! Reader ||

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[Edited: Nov. 31, 2018 ]

Editors Note: I know this wasn't clear the first time I wrote this, and I realize this probably confused some people. This was based on sorta my own interpretation of the Gasters that "Bunnymuse" created on DeviantArt. Basically, they imagined Gaster from several different AU's. Whether this was the original or not, I interpreted it as they all lived in the void (which was what at the time was a more common theory of where Gaster went) together. Sorry for never explaining this before.

You should've been dead. You, (Full Name), should've died a long time ago.

Scattered across time and space, the void as you called it. You were everywhere yet no where at the same. Thats what the void was. Something went wrong when you died. Your soul shattered like all others when you died, only something happened instead. It shattered, but managed to spread across time and space as Gaster's also had. When it reformed it wasn't left the same, and you woke up in an unknown place.

As most souls "down here", as you refered to the void, had been shattered across space and time they weren't in any truly functional shape. However, most of the others had souls that formed back together with just a few cracks. Yours wasn't anywhere near that, yet despite everything you were still you.

You've never told or showed anyone. What you meant by "anyone" or "others" was the Gaster's. It didn't quite matter the AU, everyone ended up in the same void. What confused you was why no other different verisons of yourself ended up here, but they did for the Gaster's.

When you first arrived in the void, the person who found you was W.D Gaster. He was the original Gaster that ended up here, even though they all wound up here at the same time. W.D scared you when you met him, and sometimes he would still scare you today. He could look normal one day, then melted looking the next. You didn't quite understand why either.

" W.D, why does your appearance always change? Somedays you look like the others, and other days you--don't? Why is that?" You asked him one day.

" It depends on how damaged your soul is. Not all of us here had our soul's dragged as far as the others, if ones was brough that far it affects their appearance. Somedays I look how you see me today, while others I look as I do before I ended up here." He explained.

" Your appearance changes too, if you wanted to know." He added.

" It does!?" You asked, astonished.

" Look in a mirror, maybe you'll see it for yourself." He "smiled" and went back to working.

That night you stared in the mirror for hours. You wanted to catch the subtle glitch that revealed your appearance before you died, as you believed. You looked carefully at your appearance everytime you got it change. It showed cuts and scars, that at the time were probably heavily bleeding, along your arms and cheeks. There was a large one that showed up, which was like a hole through your heart. That was the hit tha

However, none of it gave away your completely broken soul.

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The second Gaster you truly met was Underswap Gaster. He was probably one of the nicest people you could meet. He was sweet to you, made food for everyone, and he was always there to talk to when you were bored. Although, all good people have bad sides. You were terrified of his bad side, but it's not like he'd ever bring it out on you. When he was mad his face sort of looked like Flowey's face, or the last face you remembered of Flowey.

You were a human, but not one with a soul of determination. It meant you were destined to die the first time you lost all 20 HP. You had all the luck on your side to make it to Omega Flowey, but all that luck quickly faded when one of his spikey roots pierced your chest. You assumed your soul shattered as it did because it was an unexpected or unusual attack, it broke the code.

That made your terrified of Flowey, or anything that reminded you of it. You died to it, your first and only death landing you here in the void.

Anyways, enough of your depressing life, something was going on here and now in the kitchen.

" H-hey... Swap." You stuttered walking into the kitchen.

Today was one of those days where Flowey's evil face watching you was the only thing you could think of. Along with his face was Swap's Flowey-like face.

" Hello (Name)! How're you doing!" Swap replied cheerily, making breakfast.

" G-good." You replied.

" What's with the stutter?" Fell asks.

Fell was the only other one at the table. Everyone else was out somewhere. Fell was never just here.

' What did Fell do now?' You thought.

" Why don't you shut up and stop asking questions! " Swap says, his face morphing into the scary one you feared.

" I- I gotta go--um, t-tell me w-when breakfast i-is r-r-ready!" You say and try to walk off. Key-words being "try to".

" Nuh uh (Name), are you sick or something you never stutter." Fell says appearing infront of the doorway.

" N-no... I'm f-fine. Can I-I go?" You ask trying to get past.

" No, (Name) when was the last time you checked your HP?" W.D asks appearing with everyone else.

" This m-morning! I-It's at 20/20 perfect h-health." You lie.

" So, if I were to check you'd be just fine?" Fell asks.

"NO! I mean-- I don't trust people with my soul." You lie again and run to your room.

The second you closed the door you locked it and put a bunch of stuff in front of it so no one can get in.

" (Name)! You need to take care of yourself." W.D says from outside your room.

" I am, but... I just don't trust people with me soul...yeah." You say mumbling the end.

" (Name)... you know I don't like liars in this house." Swap sighs appearing behind you. You yelp and spin around to look at his face.

'Oh, yeah... they can teleport.' You remember.

" I-I'm not lying! I d-don't like peopl-le touching my soul." You say glancing down. You were true about that part.

Swap put his hand out slightly, and your soul started to appear slightly. You gasped and spun around and crossed your arms over where your soul was floating.

" (Name), please. You can trust me, okay?" Swap asks.

You slightly dropped your arms, and looked over your shoulder slightly.

"Promise me." You said.

" I promise." Swap said.

You turned around more and showed your soul, and looked away slightly. Your HP was odd technically it was at 20/20, really it was -20/20.

It looked a little worse than before the biggest shards were slowly cracking more. Is that a bad thing? You knew if you got into a fight you would automatically actually die, but there was few opportunities for that to happen.

" (N-name) I-" Swap started.

' Is he crying?' You thought. You put your soul back, hiding as you had before.

" It's fine... I'm not dead right?" You smile.

" How are you not dead!?" He asked.

" I don't know either actually. I was technically killed, but it was in a weird way. So, it didn't count as a real death, I guess. Now, I'm here." You laugh slightly.

'Now's not a time to laugh (Name).' You thought and stopped smiling. Swap delicately hugged you, like you'd disappear any second.

" I'll protect you (Name) I'll make sure nothing like that happens again." Swap says.

You hug him back, " Thank you."



BuY TemM FlaKeS!

Word Count: 1327

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