Please Don't Leave

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                      Mari's POV
I woke up in Wes's place. I was laying on Wes. I looked up to him and he was smiling.

"Morning." He said hugging me. We were already cuddling so he was basically just getting better grip. I nuzzled into his chest as he kissed my forehead. I never wanted to leave. I realized that we had to start packing for the Winter Games. We were leaving tomorrow for Pete's sake. I wiggled a little and he groaned.

"Wes. Come on. I'm hungry." He opened his eyes.

"Whatcha want?" He asked with a smirk.

"I don't know. Surprise me." He shot up with a smile and went straight to the kitchen.

"Hey umm I need a change of clothes. Got any?" He looked back and thought to himself. I I'm guessing he got an idea because he ran to his room and came back with a pair of sweatpants and a giant shirt which was probably his. "Thanks! I'm gonna get a shower." He nodded and went back to the kitchen. I went to the bathroom and shut the door. I didn't lock it because I trusted Wes. I started the shower and got in. I stood under the warm water looking down at my bruises. Three on my right arm, five on the other, a cut and two bruises on my left leg, and four bruises on the other. I'm glad it's over. Or almost over. I have to contact my friend who's a policeman. I heard a knock.

"Mari?" Wes said.

"I'll be out in a minute!" I said turning off the water.

"Ok. I just wanted to let you know that Remina's here so don't mind her." I hate Remina. I dried off and got dressed and walked out of the door. The shirt was really comfy and so were the baggy sweats. I was also in socks so it was awesome. I walked into the kitchen to see Wes and Remina eating their food and my plate by the oven. I heard Remina whispering to Wes.

"What the hell is she doing here?" 

"We had a little hangout last night and played Mario Kart and she crashed here. Where were you last night?" I smiled at Wes. I mouthed 'thank you' and sat down.

"Umm I was at a party! I umm met this guy named Peter. He might be the right guy for you eh?" She nudged my shoulder. Of course it had to be Peter! I didn't what emotion I felt. Sadness or anger? I don't know. I saw Wes glaring at her. He mouthed 'stop it now' to her. I'm guessing he talked to her before I got out of the shower.

Wes's POV
I knew what Remina was doing. She was trying to make Mari mad and get her to leave. Not on my watch. I mouthed 'stop it now' to her and she rolled her eyes. A tear rolled down Mari's cheek. Dammit Remina. 

"Mari are you ok with wearing that to work?" I asked. 

"Yeah. We're probably just gonna shoot a few Maricrafts." I nodded my head and stood up. I put her and my dirty dishes in the sink and took her hand. She put on her shoes and we left. I was already dressed so we would just have to go to work.

When we got there everyone greeted us with hugs and smiles. Mari and I got to our desks, which were beside each other, and played Maricraft. We had to shoot the last few "Block of Love" videos and she chose me as her guy. It was pretty sweet actually. While I was editing that one I saw that she kept blushing. I want to kiss her again. Like really bad. I might get to when we get to the Winter Games. I looked over at her. She was loading a nerf gun. It's the third one she's loaded in the past five minutes. I decided to ask her about it.

"Mari? What are you doing?" She looked up at me.

"Umm nothing." She quickly tried to hide the guns.

"Mari? Are you trying to get back at the Smosh Squad?" I asked laughing a little.

"Yes...." she blushed.

"Can I help?"

"Hell yeah!" She handed me three guns and three huge packages with nerf bullets. I loaded them quickly considering the size of my hands. I gave one to Flitz and one to Damian. She gave one to Joven and one to Boze. For some reason she gave Boze the cannon one.

"Boze, that thing is as big as you. Can we switch?" She nodded her head. She was struggling to even hold herself up. I helped her take off the gun and took it for myself. We all walked out like a group of some badass gang. We walked into the Smosh room and started shooting. Keith screamed and Courtney got out her emergency nerf guns. She's told me about them before. They had six. One for each of them. It became a battle. Of course Joven died first. Flitz got killed off and so did Noah and Boze. I killed Olivia and Shayne killed Damian and shot himself for killing his best friend. Courtney shot Mari. I looked at her with complete disgust.

"You monster." I shot her and dropped my gun. I ran over to Mari. I held her. This was gonna be the Oscar winning scene.


"I'm here Mari. You're ok. Stay with me." I picked her up bridal style and ran to Matt Raub. He was obviously playing along.

"What happened?"

"Courtney shot her. Is she gonna live?" I asked trying to sound worried.

"I'm sorry, but no." I fake cried and put her on the ground. 

"Wes?" She looked at me holding my arm.

"It's ok."

"Don't tell Lasercorn I ate his Kit-Kat." I tried not to laugh. So did she.

"YOU ATE MY KIT-KAT?!" We heard him scream from the other room. We burst out laughing. Everyone started going back to their computers. I helped Mari up and walked her back to her computer.

When the day was over Mari came home with me. Remina wasn't home when we got there. Shocker. Mari and I sat on the couch and decided to watch Rick and Morty.

Hey guys! Wazzzzup! Hope you liked this chapter! It was kinda a filler... love ya! Bye SHMELLOS!

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