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Wes's POV
I heard a very loud slap in the room next to me. Mari and I stopped playing and looked over to the room to see Boze on the floor and Courtney very alert.

"Crap. No no. I didn't mean to." Courtney said covering her mouth. Mari ran over to Boze and tried to sit her up in her arms. I walked over to Courtney a little angry. She's like a little sister to me and I always loved lecturing her. 

"Courtney! Why'd you hit her?" I asked looking down at her.

"I uhh I..." she was speechless.

Boze's POV
When Damian finished yelling at Courtney he walked out of the room. I decided that it was my turn to talk to Courtney. I wasn't going to yell or anything. I was just going to try to reason with her. I walked over to her and waved a little.

"Heh hi Court. I'm uh sorry about Damian, but I would like to know why you would say those horrible things about me. I thought that we were friends. You don't throw dirt on another girl that the guy likes just to make yourself look better." She looked furious. Her face was red, boiling with anger. All of a sudden, I felt a sharp pain in my cheek and fell to the ground. I was a little dizzy and could still hear what was happening around me. My eyes were open and were dripping tears. I heard people walking into the room and felt Mari sit me up.

"Boze? Are you ok?" I nodded my head.

"I'm fine. I just want some ice for my cheek." She nodded and helped me up. I stumbled over to the kitchen and sat down on a bar stool. Damian sat right beside me.

"Hey baby. Are you ok? Lemme see your cheek please." I turned my face as he held my chin. He gently kissed it and hugged me. I smiled into his neck. 

"Here's your ice Boze. I hope your cheek feels better." I took the bag of ice.

"Thanks Mari." I put the cold bag on my cheek and heard more yelling from Courtney and Wes.

"Courtney! You're acting like a slut! You either need to stop or get out. You're ruining relationships!" Wes yelled.

"Wes! Boze knew I loved him! I had to get back at her! She's just being a little (bleep)!" I wiped my tears again.

"Dames I think that I'm just going to go to my room."

"Boze, it's ok. Please stay." I shook my head. I slowly walked up to my room.

Wes's POV
After yelling I walked back into the kitchen. Courtney stormed up to her room and started to pack. She really was leaving. I'm so disappointed in her.

"Did Boze really know that Courtney liked me?" Damian asked softly.

"No. I did though. I tried to hold Courtney back from hurting both of you. Didn't work apparently." 

"Nothing will ever come between me and Boze. I love her too much for someone to come between us."

                        Shayne's POV
I jogged up to Courtney's room. I didn't want her to leave. She was to good of a friend. I liked her too much. I found her room. I looked inside to see her crying and angrily packing up her stuff.

"Court?" She looked at me. She wiped her nose with her sleeve.

"What the hell do you want?" She asked going back to packing. I walked in.

"Courtney, don't leave. Please. I want you to stay. For me at least." She looked at me with an annoyed face.

"What about Damian and little (bleep) Boze?" I wanted to laugh at her nickname for Boze. I felt bad.

"They're ok. You'll be ok. I'll be right here for you." She sighed. 

"Ok Shayne. But if anything happens I'm leaving for sure."

"Can I ask one more thing?"


"Can you please apologize to Dames and Boze?" She rolled her eyes at my question.

"Fine. Let's go and get this over with." We walked out together and went downstairs to find Damian. I couldn't find Boze though.

"Hey! Courtney I'm sorry for yelling." Damian said turning around.

"It's umm fine. I was actually coming down to apologize. Look, I'm sorry. I was a jerk." 

"I forgive you, but you need to apologize to someone a little more important. Follow me." We all went back upstairs to look for Boze. We walked up to her room and found her on her phone scrolling through something. She smiled. Hallelujah.

                        Damian's POV

When we got to Boze's room I noticed that she smiled. I was so happy to see her smile. I walked over to her. She looked up at me and put her phone down.

"Boze, you have a visitor." I pointed to Courtney. 

"Boze, I'm sorry. I shouldn't have said those things. I was pretty much describing myself. I'm so stupid." Court held her arm.

"I forgive you, but you have to do one thing. You have to buy me a tub of ice cream." 

"Done! Friends?" 

"Friends." They hugged. I'll never understand girls. Ever. Courtney and Shayne walked out of the room so I got some alone time with Boze.

"Boze, I love you." What did I just say? It slipped out. Crap. Abort the mission! Abort the mission! She looked at me with wide eyes. 

"Y-you do?" She asked sitting up a little more. 

"I think I do. I really like you." I said nodding. She quickly wrapped her arms around me and started to cry a little.

"No one, not even my family ever said that to me. Thank you Damian. I love you too." I squeezed her back.

                          Mari's POV
Well this has been a weird day. I'm just happy that I'm not part of the drama. I looked at Wes who was using his asthma pump.

"Yeah?" I turned around to who said my name. It was Sohinki.

"Can I ask you a question?"


"Will you go out with me?"

Hey guys! I'm so evil with all of these cliff hangers! I will update soon. I'm very thankful for all of the great reviews and votes. I hope you are doing well and as usual, bye SHMELLOS!

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