Is It Love?

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                         Boze's POV
Damian and I walked up to his room together. He wanted to hold my hand at one point while we were going up the stairs. We did hold hands the rest of the way up there.
"Damian, why pick me out of all people?" I asked as he opened the door. He looked at me like I was crazy.

"Why wouldn't I?! You're amazing, Boze." His smile warmed my heart. I couldn't believe that he thought that I was amazing. He was the first person to tell that to me. Not even my parents would say that. I mean they threw me out when I was only fifteen. I hugged Damian as if he was going to die. He hugged me back instantly.

"Thank you Damian. Now I'm tired. Can we watch something on your computer and go to sleep?" I asked as he shut the door.

"Sure. Let me just get it out." He said nodding. He walked over to his briefcase and pulled out his computer and the charger. I got under the soft, warm covers and pulled the covers up a little more. He did the same and pulled up Netflix on the computer. "What movie would you like to watch?" I had no idea. 

"Throwback? To umm I don't know maybe, High School Musical?" 

"All right. High School Musical it is." He searched up the movie, clicked on it, and we snuggled up and watched the movie. His body was so warm. I scooter closer. And little closer. And a little more closer, until I was practically part of him.

                        Damian's POV
After we started the movie I snuggled up with her. Then she scooted closer. And closer. And closer. It was honestly adorable and I just couldn't help smiling.

I finished the movie just fine. The credits came on so I looked down to check on her. She hadn't said a thing at all. She was breathing fine and her eyes were closed. The little angel had fallen asleep. I kissed her on the fore head and went to sleep as well.

The next day, we had a resting day. We didn't have to record or anything. So since I knew that, I never moved out of bed. When I woke up, Boze was still curled up in my arms. I smiled to myself and laid my head back down, shutting my eyes.

A little while later I heard someone knocking on the door. I felt shifting under my arms.

"Morning Boze."

"Morning Damian." She kissed me on the cheek.

"Umm hello? Are you guys ju-" Mari stopped talking when she opened the door. "Awww! You guys are adorable! I just wanted you to know that Wes made panckaes. Go back to cuddling." She giggled and left shutting the door behind her. Smiled and rolled my eyes at her.

"You know, I am hungry." Boze said sitting up. When isn't she hungry?

"Yeah me too let's go." I tore the covers off of me and stood up. "Want a piggyback ride?"

"A duh!" I let her get on and we hopped downstairs where everyone was. Boze hopped off of my back and stole a biscuit from Keith.

"Man, why you always stealing my food?! You know what?! This ends now." He started chasing her around the huge Cabin. I just laughed and got a few things to eat. I sat down by Sohinki , Courtney and Shayne. 

"I heard Boze slept in your room last night. She kiss you?" Courtney asked. I raised an eyebrow.

"Yeah? Why?"

"Oh, well I heard that she's been picking off every single guy in Smosh. Flitz, Keith, you." She smirked. I couldn't believe it. I thought that Boze was a nice person.

                      Boze's POV
Keith and I stopped running and started to walk back to the table.

"So, things with you and Damian are starting up. How that going?" 

"Great. I really want us to become a couple." He nodded. He hugged me.

"Good luck." He said as we reached the table. Damian looked at me and sadly looked back down. What was wrong? Since Flitz went somewhere I sat in his seat by Damian.

"Hey Dames, what's wrong?" He didn't even look up. He shrugged.

"Nothing. I'm fine." He sounded hurt. I saw Courtney smirk. Freaking Courtney. What'd she do this time? I quickly ate my food and threw away the paper plate. Damian was walking back up to his room that he shared with Shayne. He walked in and shut the door. I eavesdropped on his conversation with Shayne. He was crying now.

"Shayne, why would she lie to me?! I love her! Is she just picking off of us one by one? I mean, apparently she had a thing going with Flitz too." He was so emotionally hurt. Who was saying this stuff about me? This was all trash. I never liked Flitz! He's always just been a friend. He has a girlfriend! I've had enough.

                         Damian's POV
"Dames, I'm sorry dude. Maybe she just isn't the one." I shook my head. I was pacing back and forth having a bad break down. I love her and this is what she does to me? She just goes and plays me? Freaking slut!

I suddenly heard the door burst open. I quickly turned around thinking someone kicked down the door. It was Boze. She had tears streaming down her face too. She had a hurt face and threw her hands up in the air.

"Why?" Was the only thing she could ask.

"What do you mean 'why?'" 

"Why do you think that I've been playing you with Keith and Flitz?" By her face, I knew that she loved me. From how hurt she was it told me everything.

"B-b-but Courtney.." I didn't have to finish my sentence. That dirty liar. I looked back at Shayne who was awkwardly sitting on the bed. "Come on guys. Shayne you're coming too." I quickly grabbed Boze's hand and Shayne followed close behind. I had to tell Courtney off. Her dirty lying could have costed me my love life.

We al walked down to the kitchen and saw Mari and Wes making chocolate strawberries and playing together.

"Hey Wes?" 

"Oh hey Dames! What happened? You look like you've been crying."

"I'm fine. Umm have you seen Courtney by any chance?" I asked raising an eyebrow.

"I think that she's in the billiard room." He pointed to the room next to him.

"Thanks." I lead Boze and Shayne to the room. Lo and behold there was Courtney. Playing with Noah and flirting. She saw me and Boze. She walked up to me.

"Oh Damie what happened?" She asked holding my face. I slowly pushed her arms down. 

"Courtney Miller. How dare you try to ruin my relationship with Boze?! All you're being is a little slut playing off all of us. It's not Boze it's you!" I was yelling by now.

"D-Damian I just w-wanted you to like me better." Shocker right there. Not.

"Courtney, you had your chance. I'll never love you." I walked away heading back to my room. Then I heard a very loud slap.

Hey guys! Cliffhanger! I loved writing this chapter! I hope you liked it! Love you guys. ❤️❤️❤️

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