Carter Kane|Brooklyn House

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"Hey! Watch where you're swinging that bloody thing!" Sadie yelled, much too close to my ear for comfort.
I lowered my sword, "Next time you should be a little farther away, so I don't accidentally take off your head!"
Sadie crossed her arms, "Well, brother dear, maybe you should watch where your swinging."
Uncle Amos came through the sliding glass door that led out to the patio and pool, "Now, now, you two. This is combat training, not argumentative training."
Sadie and I glared daggers at each other. Even though she was my sister, it didn't mean I couldn't be mad at her.
     I suddenly wondered, Is that my feelings, or is it Horus? Ever since the battle between the House of Life, Horus had gone quiet, but I still felt feelings that weren't mine.
     I fought with my feelings and sighed, "Sorry, Sadie."
She seemed sort of shocked I apologized, but I ignored it. I walked over to Amos, "So, anything happening with . . . you know?"
Amos sighed, looking suddenly three times more weary, "The House of Life, you mean? They're still hunting us for the 'havoc' we caused while fighting off Set."
Sadie groaned in the background, "Yes, it's not like we saved the world or anything!"
     "Yeah," I agreed, grumpily, "If it weren't for us, they would be dead. Not to mention Set would have won the battle."
Amos grinned, reminding me of the way Dad used to smile, "I understand, Carter. We just have to make the best of what we have, though."
I felt myself going a little red, "Like that has ever helped in the past!"
Sadie and Amos looked at me, probably confused. Amos rested his hand on my shoulder, "Carter, have you been feeling alright?"
I shook off his hand, "Of course. I, I'm just going to be in the library."
I stormed down the hallway of our house, my temper boiling. Why did they think I wasn't alright? Didn't they know I could take care of myself?
Arriving at the library doors, my anger melted and I remembered the first time Sadie and I had come here. She'd blasted the doors off their hinges, and we had seen some pretty neat stuff.
I walked into the room. It was a large domed ceiling decorated with hieroglyphics. Huge, white beams held the room up; between them stood statues of the god of wisdom, Thoth. He wore a common Egyptian outfit; a cloth around his waist, a book in his hands and a head of a stork.
I would have found that sort of disturbing a few months ago, but now? Not so much. After fighting off an evil god, you see some pretty messed up stuff. So this, was nothing.
Flopping back into a chair, I drew out my sword. It was a traditional Egyptian sword, made of gold and curved at the very end, called a khopesh. I thought back to when Horus had guided me with the weapon. It was fun, and I realized I missed it.
Enemies are arising, a sudden voice erupted in the back of my head.
     I jumped, "Horus?"
     The war god's voice rattled, as if the connection was weak, Your sister is in danger. You must work together with another who will not get along with you. But when the time comes, you must take command.
      "What?!" I yelled, wondering if this was the war god talking, or the riddle god talking, "What are you talking about?"
     But the god's voice had gone silent. I paced the floor, what had he meant? Sadie was in trouble? Who would I have to work with? And what enemies?
     I truly hated when Horus talked in riddles.
     Feeling suddenly an awful sensation in my gut, I ran out of the library, and back down the hall.
     "Sadie!" I shouted, my stomach doing a flip. She didn't answer, and no one else did either. Usually, Khufu the baboon and his friends were around, as well as Bast, our goddess of cats friend.
     "Guys?" I called, my voice making a very unnecessary trembling noise.
     I took out my sword and went outside onto the pavilion where the pool was, and where the crocodile, Philip of Macedonia should have been swimming.
     The pool was empty.
     Now I was on the verge of panic. At breakfast, everyone was here, but now . . . ?
     Suddenly, the gloomy, grey sky turned a blood-red. I jumped backwards, my hand clenching my sword.
     I very familiar voice crept down from the sky, "Hello, Carter Kane."

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