Percy Jackson|Camp Half-Blood

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"Percy, I swear to Athena, if you don't get up, I'll make sure you never get up again!" Annabeth yelled, pounding on my cabin door.
I groaned and turned over, flopping off my bed into a heap on the floor, "I'm getting up!"
I could hear Annabeth snorting, "Just hurry up. Chiron said he has urgent news."
"Yup, I'm up. I'm up." I untangled my sheets from my head and threw them onto my bed. Tyson was snoring away on his bed, looking as if he was in some sort of dream land.
"Why can't I have a day off?" I muttered to myself, throwing on a blue shirt. My sword-pen, Riptide, already was in my pocket, so I didn't need to worry about that.
     Outside was dreary and dull. The clouds were a dark grey and threatened to pour rain on the kids in the camp. (Which was sort of weird since there was a magical force field around the camp.)
I jumped over a kid lying on the grass and ran over to Chiron's cabin. It was a lot nicer than most of the other cabins, with vines and bushes around the perimeter.
     Walking through the gates that led to a path, I noticed how strange it felt. The air was thicker than usual and there was a red tint on the sun, like when there was a fire.
     I pushed that to the back of my mind and knocked on Chiron's door.
     Annabeth threw open the door, her stormy grey eyes were filled with worry, "Percy, you have to come hear this."
     I'd never seen her like this, and I felt an urge to hug her, but I didn't. I only nodded and went inside.
     Chiron was beside a large fire place burning merrily away, while Mr. D sat in an opposite chair, drinking out of a bottle.
     "Ah, Percy," Chiron turned, his wheel chair making a squeaking noise,
"We have a lot to talk about."
     I looked from Mr. D to Chiron, "Whatever you think I did, I didn't do it."
     Annabeth punched my arm, "Just listen, Seaweed Brain."
     I rubbed my arm, "First off, ow. Second, what's going on?"
     Chiron let out a long sigh, "Have you noticed the way it looks outside today?"
     "What? I mean, yeah. But- what?" Chiron called me to talk about the weather?
     Mr. D waved his hand while looking at his bottle, "Sit down, Peter Jason. This may take a moment. You too Annabelle Case."
     I ignored my misused name and sat down. Annabeth sat beside me and clamped her hand over her knee, looking more nervous than fighting a giant.
     "As you know," Chiron began, "The weather today has changed for a reason that I, myself have long forgotten until now.
     "You know very well that there are Greek gods and demigods, but what you don't know is that there are. . . Egyptian gods."
     He paused for a moment, waiting for the questions, but I was too shocked to ask any. Egyptian? Those super old gods that I heard about in school?
"This behavior of the sun can only mean that the god of evil, or Set, has risen. He threatens our way of life, and we cannot stand by while the Egyptians fight." Chiron finished much too confidently.
I figured out my tongue wasn't numb anymore.
"Wait, WHAT? You say there are Greeks in the world, meh, okay. But now, Egyptians? You've gotta be joking!"
Mr. D drained his bottle, "Poppy, Chiron doesn't joke about something this serious. That's why I'm sending you and Abigail to Brooklyn."
I was guessing Abigail meant Annabeth. I turned back to Chiron, "Brooklyn? I thought you said they were close to us."
Chiron pointed to the door, "Yes, much to close. Now you must go. I have a feeling that you need to be in Brooklyn."
     Annabeth and I exited the cabin and stood in front of the gate for a moment.
     "Percy?" Annabeth looked at me.
     "We're going to Brooklyn."
     "You had to remind me."

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