Carter Kane|The God of Evil

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I stared in front of me, not believing what I was seeing, "Set?"
The man in red robes laughed, "Is it that obvious? I guess the red gives it away, but not bad, right?"
The anger that was caged inside of my chest flared to life, "What are you doing here? Where is everyone?"
Set's eyes glinted, "Oh, your Uncle and . . . animal friends are locked in the Duat for now. But your sister? Hmm, well, let's see-"
Gold energy suddenly bursted across my arm and up my sword, "Where is she?"
Set shook his head, "Temper, temper, Carter Kane. Your sister is quite alive. For how much longer? That's a question you'll have to take up with Anubis . . . She is trapped in Egypt. But I won't tell you where. That would take all the fun out of it! Well, I'm not sure you would call it fun-"
"Get Amos and the others out of the Duat!" I yelled, "And save my sister!"
Set walked around the terrace, "I think . . . not. You took everything from me, and I think it's fitting that I take everything from you. I will kill your family, slowly, in front of you. Then, I will slowly suck the life out of your body."
"No!" I shouted, and brought my sword down on the god of evil. He simply faded into red dust, as his laugh echoed around the empty terrace.
I felt my breath heaving, Sadie was trapped? She could be dying for all I know! And what about Amos? Was he okay?
I had to get to Egypt as soon as possible, but I had no idea how to work the magical stuff Amos used. That was usually Sadie's department. The thought of her only drove me forward faster. If I had to take a plane, then so be it.
I ran back to my room and dug through my drawer. Amos had given me a stack of money, just in case of emergencies.
If this wasn't an emergency, I didn't know what was.
I finally dug up a small sack of- coins? I picked one out of the bag and set it on my dresser. It was as big as a quarter, but it was gold. And did I forget to mention there was a monster on the front?
A falcon, its wings spread wide, was imprinted on the coin's surface. Maybe the flight attendants would take it?
I grabbed it and felt the urge to throw it out the window. No, pilots aren't going to take Egyptian money!
     I suddenly felt a warmth spread up my arm. I looked down and saw that I wasn't holding a coin anymore; it had morphed into a wad of cash.
     My eyes widened as I saw that all of them were hundred dollar bills. Well, that has to work.
     By the time I had arrived at the airport, (after three cab rides later) it was dusk. The sun was dipping into the stained sky, leaving a red smudge on the horizon. It only reminded me about Sadie and how long she had.
     I looked up at the huge screen that showed all the flights. When Dad was still around, we had gone to multiple airports like this, but I never found it this hard or infuriating. I couldn't even find my right flight.
     That's when the gigantic snake came.
     One second, I was staring at the flight screen, the next, I heard a loud hissing sound and the noise of people screaming.
     I shot around and stared into green reptilian eyes.
     "Holy Horus." I yelped and jumped away from the serpent. The snake was about as thick as a tree trunk, its scales were red and black.
     Its head was triangular, reminding me of a king cobra. Long, ivory white fangs stuck out from its mouth, dripping a black substance that I was really hopping was just oil or something.
     I took out my sword, then I realized, I can't fight a dragon-thing in the middle of the airport! Usually, mortals just bypassed any magical things, but there was only a matter of time before they realized it was something else entirely.
     Waving my sword above my head, I shouted, "Hey! Noodleworm! Tasty morsel here, come eat me!"
     The snake took the bait.
     The snake crashed after me as I ran to the nearest exit. People scrambled to get out of our way, screaming, "Snake!" or, "Giant worm!"
I threw open the door and stumbled outside, my sword at my side. The snake rammed through the glass and let out a very dragon-like roar.
"Okay, I've decided that I'm off the menu for now." I said, raising my sword.
The snake glared at me, like, Aw, come on! I want my Carter sandwich!
It lunged.
Let me just tell you, if I were just regular-me, I would have been swallowed whole. But with Horus's strength and agility, I was able to quickly sidestep the snake and rake my sword against its hide.
It roared in pain and jerked its body out of my range.
I could vaguely make out someone shouting behind the snake, but I didn't pay much attention. Since the snake whipped its tail out and flicked me off my feet.
My sword clattered under a passenger plane. Great. Now I was defenseless and facing down a giant snake that could only have been sent by Set.
Just then, a boy and girl appeared at either side of the snake. The girl yelled and slashed daggers down the snake's scales. The boy had out a sword and was working on cutting off the snake's head.
I got up, wondering who the heck those other people were. Grabbing my sword, I decided to worry about it later and take down the serpent now.
The snake roared and flung the boy across the airport into the side of a plane, giving it a pretty big dent. The girl shouted out . . . Percy? And ran after him.
"Hey!" I waved my sword, getting the serpent's attention.
Not a good idea.
It caught me off guard as its tail smashed down and pinned me to the runway. I groaned under the weight, "You- could- really- lose- some- weight."
That seemed to enrage it more. It opened its mouth so big, I could see all the way down the seemingly bottomless abyss into the snake's throat.
My breath caught in my chest, the thought of dying to this monster and not finding Sadie shocked me out of my stillness.
My hand flared a golden light and shot a beam of energy forward into the snake. It jolted backwards, glowing slightly, then exploding into a million pieces.
I spat something that tasted suspiciously like scales out of my mouth. So the snake was dead, but what about those people who had helped me?
The boy was sitting beside the girl, rubbing his head. She looked like she was scolding him.
I walked over and sheathed my sword, "Uh, thanks for helping me back there."
The boy looked up, relieved to not face the girl, "It was fun! I mean, as far as getting pumbled into a plane is."
I took his hand and pulled him to his feet, "I'm Carter Kane. You?"
"I'm Percy Jackson, and this is Annabeth Chase."

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