Carter Kane|The Nile River and A Small Suprise

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I didn't know what Percy's problem was with me, but I didn't push my luck with him from then on. We had to work as a team to get through this, but what he had said really struck a nerve. I didn't want to order them around, I didn't mean to come off like that. But having a war god in you probably doesn't help with that.
     We traveled across the hot sand dunes for about an hour before we saw the Nile in the distance. The water glittered dangerously in the sun. Or maybe it was just dangerous in my opinion because of all the bad experiences.
     "So, we're just going to follow the river until we find whatever we're looking for?" Annabeth asked.
     I sighed, "Well, when you say it like that, it sounds stupid. But, yeah. We have to find that pyramid."
     Percy stayed silent and looked at the river snaking across the sands. He had been quiet ever since the scorpion had escaped. He was probably miffed at me still.
"Okay, I'm thinking we could rest here for the day," I said as we neared the river, "We have a long way to go after this point."
"Sounds good to me," Annabeth agreed. She looked at Percy and nudged him.
He looked up slightly, "Yeah, sounds great."
You must lead them to the right path. A leader does not leave a problem to dwell, Horus said in the back of my head.
     "Shut up," I grumbled, "You're not helping with anything right now."
Percy glowered at me, "Maybe try taking your own advice."
I sighed, "Talking to Horus. Come on, let's just get to the bank."
We approached the side of the river, only stopping because I suggested it. I had learned a long time ago that going by the water, is a very bad idea.
Percy went to the water anyway and sat down beside it. I left him alone after a brief moment of considering.
"Don't worry about him," Annabeth said, catching the look on my face, "He'll come around. He's just usually the one that makes the decisions and leads us."
"Oh," I muttered, "Right."
Horus, I yelled, mentally, are you going to say anything more helpful than just riddles??
The god's voice was silent, and I felt the anger caged in my chest scorch higher. Set was threatening the life of my sister, and my so called friend, Horus was silent.
I sat on the ground and dug my hands into the sand.
     Why when I think I'm safe, it's the complete opposite?
     The ground turned red around me; I looked up and saw the sun burning red. I shot up from the ground, "Annabeth, Percy! Get away from the Nile!"
     Annabeth looked up in alarm as Percy trudged up from the bank, "What's wro- holy Hera . . . "
     The desert dropped a few degrees and darkened until I could barley see in front of me. I stumbled to the others, "This has to be the work of- "
     "Me?" a glowing silhouette of a man appeared in front of us, "I think it's quiet nice."
     "Is that- Set?" Percy asked, his sword in his hand.
     I nodded, "The one and only."
     Set laughed, "Ah, I see you have met the famous Percy Jackson of Olympus. The great Carter Kane and Percy Jackson! How adorable."
     I took out my sword, "What are you doing here, Set?"
     He grinned, "I just thought I would take something of value from you."
     That's when I realized Annabeth hadn't said anything. Percy shouted furiously, "Where is she?"
     "Oh, don't worry," Set snickered, "She's safe with Carter Kane's sister. Well, as safe as the Red Pyramid gets. . . "
     Percy yelled in rage and pointed his sword directly at the god of evil, sending a wave of water from the Nile. It crashed exactly where the red god had been standing, but he was gone; the sky and brightness back to normal.
     I sheathed my sword again, "Now we need to work over time."
     Percy whirled on me, "This is all your fault! You should never have brought us into this stupid quest! Now Annabeth's gone and I have to work with you!"
     "Look," I grumbled, "We're not going get her back by fighting. We- "
     "There is no 'we'. I'm through working with you. All you've brought with you is loss, and sorrow!" Percy shouted.
     The anger in my chest finally broke out, "You know what, fine! You think you're the only one here with problems, but you're not! My sister is gone, maybe dead- and yeah! I know I'm not the best leader, I know I screwed up, I know how you feel, Percy!"
     Percy and I stared at each other, fuming.
"I know you don't want to work with me, but the only way to get Annabeth and Sadie back, is to work together. I'm willing to do that. Are you?" I held out my hand, watching him, in case he decided to drown me in the Nile.
Percy's eyes softened, "Alright. You got a deal. Just- let's try not to smash into each other when we're fighting evil scorpions anymore."
I grinned, "Deal," I shook his hand.
We traveled for so long, I lost track of time. The only indication that we had traveled at all was the direction of the sun.
The sun shone overhead, cracking the clay under our feet. The Nile looked really inviting at the time, but Percy and I both knew better.
"Hey," Percy stopped suddenly, "Do you see that?"
I squinted ahead, "What are you- oh man."
I saw a red glint about a mile ahead of us. It was hard to make out, but I could tell it was shaped like a pyramid.
"Now that," Percy said quietly, "Is scary."

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