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Georgianna clenched the cigarette between her teeth nervously and checked her watch again; she had only about ten minutes to back out of this or to complete her life’s calling. She scanned the hotel room attentively, checking for every detail. She knew very well that even the smallest mistake could cost her her very life. But all seemed to be in perfect order. Once again, she made sure that there were no suspicious objects and that her gift was calmly asleep.

The Muggle she captured was left levitating above the bed, his memory corrected with utmost sophistication. He was the kind of man who waited for his chance to pick up young girls at the bar and Georgianna could bet that there were a few that never returned home from the date that followed. She felt no remorse at using such a monster for her own little game that she was about to play. After all what was the difference between the man hovering above the bed and those that she was about to meet?

She didn’t understand from whence this hesitation came from; she’s been set on doing this for years. The memory of the day that she decided to leave her husband and reclaimed her wand in the Gringott’s Bank swirled in her head and she pushed it back decisively. She was going to finish what she started five years ago even with the prospect of not coming out alive. Georgianna relaxed herself, regaining the icy composure that has become her nature years ago and checked her watch again.

Five minutes.

Even though there was still time, someone knocked on her door impatiently. Georgianna slipped to open it and raised her perfectly waxed eyebrows at her visitor:


It was difficult to tell whether he was such a pale blond or whether his hair was already turning white; it was bound into a thick braid. His blue eyes were cold; in fact they quite rivaled the emotionless gaze of her own. He extended his hand to her:

“The Dark Lord sent me ahead; he doesn’t like to waste his time.”

Georgiana stepped aside and allowed him to enter the room. She was well aware of the danger that she was in right now; to this Death Eater she was an unknown entity and a possible danger to his cause. Browsing through her personal possessions, the man spoke again:

“I didn’t quite catch your name.”

Georgiana took another swipe of her cigarette:

“That’s because you forgot to introduce yourself; I have no intention of giving you my name before I know who you are.”

His eyes gleamed in displeasure.

“Are you that arrogant or stupid? You have no idea who you’re talking to.”

Georgiana smiled:

“My point exactly,” she feasted upon his insecure look and walked up to him. “it’s not arrogance but caution,” she allowed herself to grasp this man’s chin.

“How do I know you’re here on the command of the Dark Lord? You haven’t introduced yourself, you didn’t even make the effort to show whether you were Marked by Him and you start your search of my personal possessions in my underwear drawer; this is a very strange interview.”

His eyes narrowed as he removed her hand away.

“Yaxley,” he replied coldly.

“Lorrelaine Kendrick,” she replied with a smile taking in another breath of the cigarette.

First lie and I'm not dead.

She has not only heard of this Death Eater, she happened to have also known him on personal basis.

Fortunately, he didn’t seem to remember her.

“Now do you have any questions for me Sir?” she asked.

“Why do you have that thing in here?”

He was watching the Muggle levitating above the bed with true disgust.

“Did you bed a Muggle Kendrick?”

Georgiana pursed her lips in contemplation: “Not today Yaxley.”

His disgust deepened: “You want to join our cause and yet you mate with them? How dare you endanger the Magical Society with a prospect of bringing a mutt in this world?”

She laughed: “I can’t do that Yaxley; I’m barren.”

He watched her suspiciously; not believing that someone her age wouldn't be able to bear children.

“The Muggle is a gift to the Dark Lord; I’ve noticed that since Albus Dumbledore started to say outright that the Dark Lord has returned there has not been a high Death Eater activity. I thought that perhaps he would appreciate the gift for entertainment.”

“I most certainly would.”

The room filled with warmth of a released Disillusionment Charm. Georgianna fell to her hands and knees, bowing respectfully.

“My Lord,” she whispered hearing the soft footsteps approaching her. A tip of the wand was pressed under her chin and forced her to look up into the most inhumane face she could ever imagine.

“Well, dear Lorrelaine,” he mused. “I thank you for your gift; not many of my standing Death Eaters would be as thoughtful as you,” he shot a dirty look to Yaxley. “Now tell me, why do you seek to follow me?”

He motioned for her to raise back to her feet.

“Everyone should seek to follow you my Lord.”

She could see that this pleased him as he scrutinized her appearance.

“The rumor has it that the position you seek is that of an assassin; yet you seem too young to be even able to kill,” the tone of his voice was too kind as he took her by the shoulders in a fatherly manner and pointed to the levitating man.

“Kill Lorrelaine. Kill if you want my consideration.”

She expected this. How else would you interview an assassin than ordering him to kill? Her wand flickered in the light that came from the street as she drew it through the air completing one striking movement. No words spoken, the man’s head dropped to an unnatural angle.

“Impressive,” she heard him sneer. “You must have done this many times; your heartbeat didn’t increase, no sweating, no need for the magical formula...”

Voldemort turned to her and grasped her face.

“And yet you look so beautiful and innocent that no one would ever dream to suspect you of being a Death Eater.”

He let her go and started to walk away.

“You’re hired Lorrelaine,” he said simply, eyeing the dead body on the bed. He was so close to her that she felt fairly confident she could go for the kill right now. But there were things that had to be done before that would happen.

Georgianna closed her eyes as she felt Yaxley grabbing her and jerking up the left sleeve of her robes and the pale flesh of her arm started to burn.

Last Witness: Detached (Snape Love Story)Where stories live. Discover now