Chapter One

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Grand Hall - Breakfast

"Oi Potter!" Draco shouted across the hall. Ron, Hermione and Harry turned round.
"What is is it Malfoy?" Harry shouted back expecting some sort of an insult to be thrown back his way.
Draco hesitated. "...don't worry actually." The three looked at him surprised and then turned back to one another.
"Well that was odd, wasn't it!?" Said Hermione confused.
They all looked at each other blankly and then continued eating breakfast. Nothing more was said.

In a corridor at Howarts - Evening

Later that evening Ron and Harry were walking down the corridor to their dorm. Crabbe and Goyle seemed to be walking towards them. They looked a little confused. "Have you seen Draco anywhere?" Asked Crabbe gruffly.
"No" answered Harry, "have you lost him?"
" We just seem to have misplaced him...sorta." Said Goyle hesitantly.
"Ok, well if we spot him we'll tell Draco you're looking for him!" Harry said cheerily.
"Thanks loser, see ya round!" They harmonised as they skipped off in the direction of their own common room.
Now the two were very confused especially because they had seemed to act nice. "Weird!" Ron stated.

Gryffindor Common Room - Night

Harry and Ron ran up to their dorm to find the other boys already asleep. "Well, I guess I'll go to bed too" said Ron, "night Harry!"
"Night Ron!"
The boys slipped their pyjamas on and hopped into bed.
About ten minutes later, Harry was woken up by a small thud underneath his bed. At first he ignored it but then felt it again.
He got up and looked under his bed and to his shock found a blonde-headed Slytherin.
"Umm...hi," whispered Harry.
"Hey" said Draco softly.
After about thirty seconds of silence Harry asked, "so, why are you here?"
Draco thought for a few seconds. Then he shuffled out from under the bed and got up. He covered Harry's mouth with one hand and grabbed his wrist with the other.
Draco dragged Harry against his own will towards the door but Harry managed to shake off Draco's tight grip. "What are you doing?" Muttered Harry.
"Taking you somewhere!" Said Draco mischievously.
"Well I can see that!" Exclaimed Harry.
They looked at each other for a second. Then Harry giggled like a little girl and Draco smirked.
Harry ran over to his bed and snatched the invisibility cloak from underneath then grabbed Draco's hand and together they ran out of the dorm, out the common room and into the corridor. They flung the cloak round themselves and jogged away, continuing to giggle like high school girls.

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