Chapter Seven

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The Lake - The Next Evening

Draco and Harry were by the lake again. This was their favourite area to hang out together.
They were sitting down holding hands and and staring out into the lake.
Harry asked, " um...Draco."
"Do you"
"Well come on then. What do you want to say?" Said Draco impatiently in a jokey way.
Harry twiddled his thumbs. "Ok." Harry took a deep breath, "do you think we're ready?"
"Ready for what?"
" know!" Then Draco pulled Harry towards him, "of course," Draco whispered into Harry's ear. Draco then proceeded to take his own shirt off and then unbuttoned Harry's. They smirked at each other.
Draco passionately kissed Harry and Harry kissed back. Harry started to undo Draco's trouser zip and Draco undid Harrys.

Ron and Hermione had decided to take a stroll along the lake because they hadn't spent that much time alone together for a while now.
They were discussing what they heard Harry and the mysterious other were talking about.
"So who do you think that was? The person Harry was with I mean."
"Well it did sound a lot like Draco. Don't you think?"
"It can't be! They hate each other!"
Then they stopped. They stood there in silence for a few seconds until Hermione shouted, "get away from Harry!"
They couldn't see who he was with and weren't close enough to realise  that he wasn't 'hurting him'.
Ron and Hermione ran closer to them and were now only a few metres away and realised who he was with.
"DRACO??" Hermione stepped back. The two shirtless boys who were only in their boxers stared up at them. A few moments passed.
Then Harry sighed and said, "guys sit down. I'll explain everything."
They sat in a small circle, Harry and Draco still only wearing their boxers.
"I'm in love with Draco." Began Harry.
"That's right and we've been seeing each other for a few months now." Continued Draco.
"I see." Said Hermione quietly, "well. We won't tell anyone but Draco, if you ever hurt Harry, I will take him away from you."
Ron looked puzzled at the two. "Are you two not cold? And bloody hell you two! Why here out of all places?"
"Where would you suggest we go?" Proclaimed Draco.
"Well, we could always get everyone out of the dorm for a while but that might be risky." Said Hermione. She had taken the news much better then any of them would have expected.
"We best be off." Said Ron. He stood up and then took Hermione's hand to help her off the ground.
"We'll leave you to it then!" Said Hermione and they bounced off, happy that Harry was happy.

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