Chapter Eight

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The corridor next to the Great Hall - Breakfast

The next morning as Draco walked down the stairs to breakfast with Crabbe and Goyle, he could hear sniggering and whispering all around him.
He scowled at the students who looked his way. He was confused though. Why were they laughing at him? Had Hermione and Ron told anyone? They couldn't have. They were trustworthy.
Draco, Crabbe and Goyle got to the hall and sat down in their usual spots. Immediately they heard chatter all over the hall. Almost everyone was now in the hall and they all seemed to be talking about the same thing.
Draco had had enough. He stood up and banged his fists against the table and everyone was quiet. "TELL ME THE TRUTH! What are you all talking about?!"
Someone at the end of the Slytherin table remarked, "we're getting feisty now are we? Will your dad be hearing about this?!" they did a sarcastic sad face and the entire hall roared with laughter.
Draco walked at a fast pace towards the person who had said it and raised one fist, but before he could punch Snape grabbed his arm and pulled him away.
"STOP! I will not have this! Everyone, please continue to eat." Snape brought Draco back to his seat and sat him down.
Draco still looked a little red so a kind Hufflepuff student walked over to Draco and explained everything. She was not at all afraid because she knew he wouldn't do anything to her.
"Hey Draco. Let me explain what happened."
Draco looked up at her and managed a weak smile. "Thank you."
"There was a rumour that you were gay so all the girls were disappointed and the boys were...well...worried." The girl then hopped back to her table and sat down.
Draco looked at Crabbe and the Goyle. "Well then, do you believe the rumours?"
" Err..." they both stuttered. Mcgonagall and Snape smirked as they knew the truth of it all.
"Well." Said Draco to both of them, "you have poor judgment because I am gay."
The entire hall went silent once again and just stared a Draco with wide eyes. "And guess what you mother truckers, I have a boyfriend!"
"That'll be enough Malfoy!" Said Dumbledore.
"No! I want everyone to know! The first to guess my boyfriend wins!"
Everyone laughed and started talking amongst themselves about who it could be.
Dumbledore sighed. "Well, we'll make a box and you can post your guesses one by one into it!" This came as a shock to everyone, "if you don't do it, a months detention for not being fun!"

Library - Luncheon

One by one the students placed their guesses into the box and after about an hour it was full.
They'd announce the winners at dinner and the prize was that they'd get a week extra off school.

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