Chapter Two

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Room of Requirement - Night

The boys huddled up in a corner together and started talking.
"So how did you get into the dorms?"
"Well, I made a Gryffindor tell me the password!" Answered Draco.
"Oh. So then. Do you like me?"
"In what way?" Asked Draco smirking.
"Like in a boyfriend way?"
Draco smiled and pecked Harry on the cheek. "Maybe."
Harry grinned and leant forwards to Draco but before he could do anything, they heard footsteps in the room. They both stayed extremely still not moving a muscle.
The footsteps finally went away so it was safe to come out. They looked around and agreed to go back to their dorms for the night.

Gryffindor Boy's Dorm - Morning

Harry had managed to sneak back into his bed with no one noticing after his little 'encounter' with Draco. He was tired but it was now time to get up for breakfast.
While the boys got dressed, Neville walked up to Harry.
"Yeah Neville?" Asked Harry.
"Did I see you and Draco in the dorm together last night?"
"No! It must have just been a dream Neville! Just forget it for now."
"Oh...ok! Sure." Neville murmured as he walked back to his bed.
Ron and Harry met up with Hermione in the common room and together they walked down to the Grand Hall.
As they sat down, Harry saw Draco at his seat and they both grinned at each other. Hermione saw Harry's grin and looked over suspiciously to see who or what Harry was staring at.
She was taken aback when she saw Draco smirking Harry's way.
She turned to Harry. "Are you smiling at Malfoy? Draco Malfoy!"
"No." Said Harry blankly while trying to come up with some excuse. "I was smiling Sir Nickolas!"
"Then why was Draco smiling too?" Questioned Hermione.
"Don't ask me! Gees Hermione!"

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