Chapter Five

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Gryffindor Common Room - Late Afternoon

Meanwhile Ron and Hermione were sitting in their common room together and had no idea where he kept going off to. "Ron," Hermione said, "we seem to be seeing at lot less of Harry these days. Especially in the last month or so."
"I know what you mean. But then again we could just be imagining it." Ron was stared at his girlfriend for a while. "Maybe we should just ask Harry what's going on?"
"Are you stupid Ron!? Hermione snapped sharply, "He won't just tell us if like that. No. We must investigate. Any ideas?"
"Well." Said Ron, "he has been getting these mysterious letters and won't show them to anyone!"
"Perfect," gasped Hermione, "you can steal one or better yet, get to the new one before Harry and then put it back. He'll never know! We'll sort this out once and for all!"
Ron nodded approvingly at her but deep down didn't like the idea of prying into something this personal.

In that moment Harry strode into the room with a wide smile on his face.
"Hey Harry!" Said Ron in his usual cheery voice.
"Hey guys!" Said Harry, "should we start heading up to bed then?"
Hermione eyed he suspiciously, "sure."

Gryffindor Boy's Dorm - Early Morning

The next morning the owl arrived early at Harry's window. Harry wasn't awake yet and none of the other boys were apart from Ron.
Ron got up quietly trying not to wake the others and slowly crept towards the window.
He took the not and opened it. It read;

To my dearest Harry,
Meet me at the Room of Requirements, six thirty on Friday.
Love you 😜♥️😘 from your darling boyfriend

Ron was shocked and surprised at the letter but carefully rolled it back up and put it back into the owls grip.
Ten minutes later everyone was up, Harry had read the letter and was getting dressed. He hid the note in his usual spot, in the back of a picture frame.

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