Chapter Six

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Library - Evening

The day went on normally as it always did. That evening Harry sat in the library studying with Ron and Hermione and doing homework.

Ron wrote on a scrap bit of parchment-

i read the letter and it said meet me in the requirement room on friday and then had a load of hearts and kisses

He had forgotten about the bit where it said 'from your darling boyfriend'.
Hermione wrote on another bit of parchment back to Ron.

Firstly, did you ever learn grammar, spelling or punctuation? Dear me! Secondly, oh my goodness! Maybe it's Cho or Ginny? Is your sister the kind of person who would draw lots of emojis?

Harry noticed they had stopped talking and look over there way. "Hey, are you guys alright? You're being very quiet!"
"Oh yeah! We're fine- it's just a difficult question and I need to concentrate! That's all." Hermione was good at lying when she wanted to be.
Then Hermione quickly jotted a not down on another pice of parchment.

We'll go there on Friday to find out who it is!

Then they all packed up and headed for their dorms.

Room of Requirement - Friday Evening

The two boys were sitting alone in the dim-lit room. They were giggling and chatting about all sorts of things.
Hermione and Ron were making their own way to the room to finally find out who Harry had been seeing for so long.
They were at the door now and it was slightly ajar. They didn't want to be seen so they just listened through the small gap.
They heard this;
"I think I'm ready to tell them." Whispered Harry.
"Tell who?"
"Well Ron and Hermione of course! They've been so patient and haven't asked any questions about where I've been. They're really good friends and I think they deserve to know."
"I agree with you we'll tell those two. But we must keep it a secret from everyone else!" They couldn't quite make out who the other one was but they could tell that it was another boy.
Ron and Hermione felt immediately guilty because Harry had said such nice things about them and then here they were, spying on him. They snuck off back down the corridor not wanting to interfere any more.

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