Rainstorm (Ron x Reader)

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As I sit on the rocking chair I hear a roll of thunder. I smile opening my book. I always did enjoy rainstorms. I look out onto the fields and see dark clouds. I start to read my book and listen to the approaching storm.

I have been staying with the Weasleys over the summer. Everyday is an adventure and I can't help but love it. I couldn't go home over the summer since my parents left for a business trip. Molly politely asked me if I wanted to stay with them and I eagerly accepted. I always found the chaotic house peaceful in some way.

Since Ginny, Hermione, and I shared a room we became best friends and found we shared quite a few common interests. We hung out most of the time but occasionally we hung out with the boys as well. Countless times Ginny and Hermione tried to set me up with Ron but failed. Ever since I told them of my crush they tried to make us get together.

Anyway, right now I'm on the porch reading one of my favorite books trying to enjoy the storm by myself. Just because I said I love the chaotic house doesn't mean I don't like my quiet time to myself. That is until I hear someone open the door and walk over to me. I don't look up and try to concentrate again on my book. " What cha reading?" I look up and see Ron looking at me awkwardly. "One of my favorite books. Y/F/B." "Neat." I look back at my book and try to read once again. Suddenly the book is pried from my hands. I glare at Ron as he smirks. "Ron." "Come on N/N lets go do something." "Ron, give me my book!" I say grabbing for my book but Ron pulls it away from my grasp. "You'll have to catch me first!" he says sprinting away. "Ron!" "Well do you want it or not?" Sighing I stand up and begin to chase him.

Ron runs across the field with me close behind.  "Ron get back here!" I say between laughs. Ron just looks over his shoulder at me and smiles but continues to run. Ron starts to zig zag and I almost touch him several times. If anyone saw us they would just see two teenagers laughing while running after each other. Ron runs toward a few trees, hides behind a smaller tree and peaks around the corner with a smile that could light up the world. I just roll my eyes and run around the tree to where I saw him, ignoring the thunder and lightning. When I'm where Ron stood before I look around curiously not seeing Ron. Before I have a second to react someone sneaks up behind me and lifts me up by my waist. "Ron! Put me down!" I say between screams and laughs. "Never!" Ron starts spinning me while I continue to laugh. Finally Ron puts me down as we hear thunder. We look toward the sky and the bottom falls out showering us with rain. I look into Ron's eyes as he stares at me. Ron steps toward me and looks at my lips. My breathe hitches in my throat and I don't break eye contact. With another step Ron stands a few inches from my face. He leans in and I look at his lips. Ron captures my lips with his and wraps one arm around my waist and the other cups my cheek while my arms instinctively wrap around his neck. Not even bothered by the rain we don't break apart.

Finally out of breath, we pull apart looking into each others eyes lovingly. "I've wanted to do that for years." Ron say with a stupid grin. "Me too." Ron takes my hand in his and walks over to the base of the tree. He bends down and picks up my now soaked book. "Sorry about your book." "Its okay I can replace it, but I can't replace you." Ron smiles up at me and kisses my cheek. "So how about a date sometime?" "I would love to." I say with the biggest grin. Ron pulls me into a hug and says in my ear, "How did I get so lucky to have you in my life?" "You must have done something right." We both laugh and run toward the house.

When we come to the porch Ron sets my book down on the chair. "It can dry out here." I just nod in response. Ron holds the door open for me and I walk inside. As soon as Ron steps foot inside Molly appears and looks stressed as usual. "Where have you two been? Its pouring outside; you could've caught a cold! Its thundering; you could have been struck!" I look down at my feet sheepishly. "Mom it-" "I don't want to hear it Roald! Now go upstairs and clean up!" We both nod our heads and head upstairs not wanting to face Molly's wrath. 

Time Skip

I come out of the bathroom wearing dry clothes while drying my hair. When I turn to go downstairs to the kitchen I see the twins with smirks plastered on their faces. "What?" I ask. "You know, I do believe Ronald and you enjoy each others company." George begins. "Obviously, I mean you did have fun outside." Fred finishes. My face burns up and I look away. "Why are you telling me this?" "Because we believe-" "You and Ronald are-" "Made for each other." "Plus we quite like you." "You're an excellent friend." "And perhaps more if Ronald ever has the guts to propose." My eyes widen while the twins go back and forth talking. "U-Um.. I-" "Anyway we have some money to collect from a bet with Percy." And with that the twins walk off without another word.

I walk down the stairs and into the kitchen. I see Ron leaning against the counter with a cup of tea and a kettle on the stove. "H-Hey Ron." I say with a slight blush. "H-Hey Y/N." "Any tea left?" "Plenty. Want some?" "Yes please." Ron grabs another cup and pours the water into it before adding a tea bag. "Here you go." "Thanks." I take the tea and lean against the counter. "Hey Ron?" "Yeah?" "Where do you wanna go for our first date?" "I don't k-know. Do you have any place in mind?" "W-Well we could have a p-picnic when the weather is better." "I'm fine with that." Ron says smiling down at me. I blush and take a sip of my tea. "Hey Y/N?" "Hmm?" I turn to Ron and as  soon as I look toward him he kisses me. He pulls away before I have time to react smiles with a blush. "I just really w-wanted to kiss you." "O-Okay." I take a sip of my tea.

"Ronald Weasley!" We both turn around to see Molly and Arthur standing there. "Why didn't you tell me you and Y/N are dating?!" "Mum I-I, um-" "I cant believe you didn't tell me, your own mother, that had started dating!" She turns to me. "Of course I couldn't have picked anyone better for Ronald. I love you Y/N,  you've always been like a daughter to me." She then engulfs me in a hug. Once Molly releases me Arthur comes and hugs me as well. "Make sure to tell us if Ron is ever rude to you or hurts you." Arthur says holding my shoulders with his hands. "Dad!" "Right well you two lovebirds have fun!" Arthur says dragging Molly away. "But not too much fun." He says turning toward us. "Dad!" "Right sorry, sorry!" And with that they left. I turn toward Ron to see he's as red as his hair. I can't help but laugh. "Shut up N/N."

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