Owl Helper (Draco x Reader) Part 2

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My mind swirls with thoughts. This is not good. Draco saw me transform. What do I do? What if he tells somebody and I'm arrested? I continue to fly when I hear shouting. I look toward the ground and see two men pointing at me. My eyes widen at my sudden realization. I flew too far away by accident and now I'm in a hunting area. The men point heir two rifles at me. That's not good. I try to fly in the opposite direction and a bullet flies by my wing. I slightly wince and continue to fly away. When I'm almost out of range a bullet pierces my side. The men hoot and holler at their luck. I continue to fly even though I know I'm losing blood and my balance is off. I need to get somewhere safe. My home is too far away... But maybe I can get to that brook.

I near the brook as my energy continues to rapidly decrease. I land on the ground with a thud and transform. I carefully lift myself off the ground and onto a rock beside the brook. I wince as I feel the bullet moving. I lift up my shirt slightly and see the bullet. The amount of blood I've lost isn't bad but its also not good. I am not having a good day. I hear a whooshing sound and look toward the sky to see someone approaching on a broom. I narrow my eyes before they widen. Draco. I release the hem of my shirt and try to stand. Doing so is futile as I fall back wincing. Draco appears in front of me and hops off his broom before grabbing it. He walks toward me with narrowed eyes. "We need to talk." "Not now D-Draco. I'm a lit b-busy." I wince with each word. His stern expression turns to slightly worried. "What happened to you?" "I'll b-be fine." "Y/N," he says sternly. I reluctantly lift my shirt to show the wound. Draco's eyes widen before rushing to my side. "You were shot?!" "I accidently flew into a hunting area." Draco shakes his head, sets down his broom, and pulls out his wand. "This is going to hurt, hold still." He aims his wand at my wound and mutters, "Accio bullet." Pain seers through my torso as I feel the bullet moving. Next thing I know Draco is holding said bullet in the palm of his hand. He pockets his wand and the bullet before looking at me. "I don't have anything on hand to heal your wound, but I do at the manor." My eyes widen. "Don't worry my parents won't know." Draco stands and picks up his broom. "Do you think you'll be okay to fly," Draco asks while mounting his broom. "I think so." Draco holds his hand out to me and I except it. Draco pulls me onto his broom so I'm behind him. "Well are you going to hold on or fall off?" I reluctantly wrap my arms around Draco's torso and I swear I saw him smirk. Draco races off at rocket speed and I tighten my grip around Draco's torso while burying my head in his shoulder. "Are you sacred of heights?" "Of course not. I can turn into an owl for Godric's sake. Its just your going really fa-!" Draco cuts me off by flying faster. 

Once we near Draco's house he slows down. Draco stops his broom next to his window and helps me in. Once inside his room I walk over to his bed and sit down. Draco flies through his window on his broom and dismounts. I watch as Draco puts his broom away and then walks into his bathroom. I look around the room not sure what to do. Draco comes back holding a vile of some kind of potion. "Here drink a couple drops of this." "What is it," I ask taking the vile. "Something my mum made to make sure I'm never injured." I nod and flip off the top before pouring a few drops into my mouth. I put the top back on the vile and hand it back to Draco. I feel my torso slightly burn. I slightly lift my shirt to see the wound slowly closing up. I smile and let go of my shirt. I stand up and quickly hug Draco. "Thank you." Draco slowly wraps his arms around me and pats my back awkwardly. I let go and step back while Draco's arms drop to his side. "Is there anything I can do to repay you?" "Don't tell anyone about what happened... and you could tell me about yourself, Luna," Draco says smirking. "Well... I'm an animagus, which you can't tell anyone about." I warn Draco while pointing my finger at him. Draco holds his hands in surrender while rolling his eyes. "I made myself an animagus before coming to Hogwarts." Draco nods and crosses his arms. "Why an owl though?" "They've always been a symbol of hope for me." Draco nods before sitting on his bed beside me. "Why are you nice to me L/N?" "Someone needs to. Besides, I've gotten to know a better side of you." Draco scoffs before standing. "There is no better side to me. " I stand and walk toward the window. "You may believe that, but I can assure you there is." I carefully swing my leg out the window before turning back toward Draco. "See you at school." I transform before taking off.

He'll realize when he's ready...


Heyo! Guess who's alive?! That's right; I'm back! I'm officially on Christmas break and have more free time. On another note, this is the MOST REQUESTED one shot. Several people asked for a continuation so I finally was able to deliver. I will not write another part to this one shot as I don't see I need to add more detail. Sorry if you wanted more.

Keep a look out for more one shots! ~Aqua

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