Because Ashton had no recollection of his family -- or me, but that's beside the current point -- Luke just told him he'd live at his place. That also reminded me that I'd have to move in. The problem with this was that we didn't have Ashton to talk to my parents because he didn't trust me anymore. Just thinking that made me want to cry.
"You could just tell them you're moving in across the street," Calum shrugged. He said he'd still be living at his own house just for a little while longer, but promised he would soon be moving in. "I'm sure they'd understand. They don't know about the Hemmings House."
"I feel like it won't be that simple. Everyone else knows about the house, so they have to find out eventually. Not to mention, they won't want me to live with a boy," I sighed. I threw my head in my hands as I sat on the counter in the kitchen. "Why did I have to be so stupid?"
It had only been two days since Ashton forgot about me and it's been torture. Michael tried telling him that I was his girlfriend, but Ashton insisted that his only friends were him, Luke, and kind of Calum. I tried so hard to be nice to him and get him to open up to me like before but he just pushes me further and further away. I began to think that his family might've had something to do with his taking a liking to me because now that hes forgotten them, he's colder and harder to get close to.
"You're going to have to tell them eventually," Calum said, putting his hand on my leg comfortingly. "You're legally an adult now, you can do what you want."
"But it was Ashton's gift to me and it's obvious he doesn't want me moving in now." I pointed out, gesturing to the living room where Ashton was sitting.
"It was also Luke's," Calum said. "It's his house."
"But the closer I get to Ashton, the more he pushes me away. Maybe I should just give him space for now."
"No," Luke's voice came from right in front of me. His form appeared standing between my legs, staring straight at me. "Please move in. I really want you to!"
"I don't know..." my voice trailed off.
"Do you know how hard it was staying away from you? You're my best friend, Cooper, and the ony other person besides Ashton, Mikey, and Calum that have talked to me since I died. Please." he begged, giving me the puppy dog face.
Ever since Ashton lost his memory of me, everyone had been calling me Cooper all the time. I told them that the last thing I told Ashton, besides that we were dating, was that I preferred my last name to my first. They hoped that calling me that would somehow help him.
I sighed, putting my hands on both of his shoulders, "Fine. If I can convince my parents."
He beamed at me as I took the snapback off of his head and turned it sideways, "Thank you!"
I kissed his cheek, "Anything for you." I said sarcastically.
"I'll even help you." Calum offered.
"Yeah, you better," I said, hopping off the counter. "You want me to move in so badly."
Calum rolled his brown eyes and laughed at me, "Let's just go. They should be home now anyway, right?"
Calum, Luke, and I went to the living room to tell Michael and Ashton I'd be gone for a little bit with Cal. Ashton didn't look at me -- as usual -- and Michael paused the game he was playing to look up, "For what?"
"Remember the present A- uh, Luke got for me?" I asked, catching myself before I slipped up and said Ashton got me the gift. He'd just get angry because he "knew" he's never met me before.
"Good luck, Cooper." Michael said with a nod.
"Thanks." I nodded back before glancing quickly at Ashton, and spinning around on my heels to leave with Calum.

Silence » a.i
FanficAshton had all the answers to every question Bridgette had, but he had to stay silent for her own good. First in the Westfield Drive series COMPLETED ✓ (Trailer cred to: calumsclique) copyright © 2014 kwrites