Chapter 8

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"Seto I thought you said this thing was safe!"

"I don't understand! How was Null able find us?"

Sky silently sat up, the others unaware that he was now conscious. Seto was pacing back and forth around the room and Ty looked really pissed off. The lights were now back on and the chairs were knocked over. But Barney, Jin, and Ross were gone.

"Where's Barney, Jin, and Ross?!" Sky yelled, startling the others.

"Ah, Sky. You're awake." Seto said calmly.

"That doesn't answer my question."

Seto exchanged worried glances with the others.

"Is someone gonna answer me?!" Sky demanded, his voice growing louder.

"Null took them." Mitch quickly said.

Sky's eyes widened. First, this thing nearly kills Aphmau, and now takes his best friends? He had enough. Sky stormed towards the entrance but Ty grabbed his arm. "Where are you going?" He asked.

"To go save my friends." Sky answered.

Ty scoffed. "Null's gonna kick your a** into the next ten centuries if you go alone."


"Do you not care about your friends' lives?" Seto asked.

Sky froze. "What?"

"Now that Null knows that you have the Herobrine, he's probably gonna use your friends to get you to fight him. And like Ty said, you are going to lose badly." Seto explained.

Sky sighed. "So what are we gonna do?" He asked.

Seto flipped a chair up back to normal and sat down. "You need to learn how to use your new Mob God. If I'm correct, you nearly killed your friends last time."

Hesitantly, Sky nodded.

The sorcerer smiled. "Follow me."


Seto and Sky stood on opposite sides of the room, the others safely on the side. "So, what do you want me to do?" Sky asked.

Seto shot a fireball at Sky who ducked. "What the heck?!" Sky yelled.

"I need you to turn into Skybrine. You have to practice gaining control." Seto said.

"What about the others?" Sky asked.

"I have a forcefield around them. Don't worry. If you fail, I can always knock you out." Seto replied.

Seto shot a spell at Sky and it made contact, sending him flying into a wall. Sky wiped the trail of blood dripping from his mouth and stood up. Seto was preparing another spell.

Sky took a deep breath and let his emotions take over. As he felt himself getting dragged into the back of his mind, he saw Seto smile. "Now try to break free!"

Sky struggled to keep Seto in view, but his vision was darkening. However, it wasn't as fast. Maybe an improvement. But Sky ended up losing the struggle. The last thing he saw was Seto shaking his head, then shooting a spell towards him.



Sorry for the long wait. I have insane writer's block for this. So possibly no chapter for a while. Sorry.

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