Chapter 13

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The group waited to see Seto's reaction. The sorcerer just stared at the paper, as if he were in a trance, then he slowly lowered the paper. "There's no doubt that there will be people looking for you now. Since Null is on this as well, he might not pop up as often. But we're also trapped."

Ty bit his lip. "So Sky, Jason and I are pretty much stuck down here?" He asked.

"Yes." Seto replied.

"Sorry if I made things more stressful. Just felt like I had to show you this," Mitch said.

"No, in fact, you made things better."


Ignoring Quentin and his pleas to rest, Seto walked over to his meeting room and had everyone sit down. "Only Sky, Ty, Jason, and I are trapped in here. Mitch, Jerome, Ian, and Quentin are free to roam around. And since Null is cornered as well, he'll only appear if needed," Seto said.

"But when he appears, he can still hurt, maybe even kill, the others," Jerome countered.

"They'll have to be careful then," Seto replied.

Mitch sighed. "I'm gonna get something to eat. Anyone want anything?" he asked as he stood up and rubbed the back of his neck.

"Uh, did you hear what I just said?" Jerome gaped.

"Yes. And I'm not trying to piss you off." Mitch assured.

In the end, everyone decided to just have some burgers. "Seto, how do you eat since you don't leave this place?" Ian asked.

Seto and Ty shared glances. "So Ty's been like your supply man?" Quentin guessed.

"You could say that." Ty said.

After a few minutes, Sky got curious about something. "Does Mitch always leave at least once a day?" He asked Jerome.

"He can't stand being in a cramped area for a long time. That's why he usually does a favor that includes going outside." Jerome explained.

Sky found himself staring at the wall, deep in thought. After he made the wish, he just wanted to save Barney. Now, he and the others were kidnapped by Null, and Sky was now the holder of the most powerful of the Sacred Mob Gods in the whole world. He wondered how Jin, Aphmau, Barney, and Ross were doing.

Suddenly, the door flung open. Mitch was standing there, out of breath and slumped against the doorframe. His eyes were wide and his hand gripped the bag that supposedly had the food.

"Mitch, what happened?" Jason asked.

"N-Null. He was doing some, some really creepy shit to some people. I don't know what it was but it looked like he was strangling some people. He managed to skim my neck and-" Seto instantly stood up.

"He skimmed your neck?"

Mitch nodded.

"Are there scratches?"

"The back of my neck does sting a bi-"

Everyone gasped as Mitch fell forwards. Jerome was about to jump to his side when Seto stopped him. "What just happened?" Ty asked.

There were grunting noises as Mitch stood up. However, a black mist quickly formed around him and when he opened his eyes, they were white. Sky gasped as Mitch stared right at him, then tackled him.


Meanwhile, three boys and a girl sat in their cage. They watched as the shadowy figure circled around them.

"Ah, it's a shame that most of you have weak Mob Gods. You could've been useful." Null sighed.

Jin turned to Aphmau, knowing that she was the exception. Her stomach wasn't fully healed so Null hadn't taken her yet.

"What are you doing up there? Have you gotten your ass kicked yet?" Ross asked with a smirk on his face.

Null raised his hand slightly and Ross instantly screamed in pain. It looked like an invisible hand was trying to crush him. "Stop!" Barney yelled.

Null scoffed and released Ross. Aphmau dragged herself over to him to check if he was ok. Jin glared daggers at Null.

Suddenly, Null tensed. He turned around and created some kind of screen with the black mist. It showed Sky and the others trying to fight off Mitch. "Looks like my toy is doing his work."

Barney gasped. "This better not be what I think it is."

Null laughed. "What if it is?"

Jin clenched his teeth as he watched the scene. Null was using Mitch to try and kill Sky.

"And who knows?"

Null turned to Jin and raised his palm, black magic beginning to form.

"You might be next."



I feel like doing something. Maybe draw something that's happened so far in this story. If so, what scene would you want me to draw? Also, I finally decided to check up on Jin, Barney, Ross, and Aphmau.

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