A new change

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Zecora paced back and forth. Grabbing bottles here and there. Applejack sat near by with her head low. Zecora noticed her.

"Cheer up, Applejack." Zecora said with a smile. "A few more minutes and the potion will be due."

Applejack sighed. "Its not that, but.Ah... ah appreciate what you're doing for me."

"Something the matter,Applejack? I sense that you're feeling blue."

"It's just... Ah dont know." She looked down and gave a fake laugh."look at me. A mare loving another mare and wanting to become a stallion. Its just... not right.not normal."

Zecora placed down the bottle she had and walked toward the mare.

"There,there my little pony. It'll be alright." She said wrapping her hoofs around the Orange mare. "Your heart knows best. Always listen to it. No matter how crazy the idea may seem."

"Yeah. Ah guess." Applejack gave a smile, feeling a little better.

"Besides..." Zecora gave a smile and a wink as she walked back to her glowing pot. "I think you'll look much better as your true self. A stallion."

"T-thank you Zecora." Applejack blushed. "That's making meh feel much better."

"Come closer, my little pony." Zecora waved her hoof, Grabbing a empty bottle she begin to pour in the liquid with a spoon. "For the magic potion has been finished."

"Really?" Applejack gazed at the blue glowing bottle. "This will make meh a stallion?"

"Yes. However as a magic potion it works like a magic spell therefore it will not last long."


"Three days."


"Three days." Zecora repeated." For the effects to stay. You must find true loves kiss."

"Ya mean I have 3 days for her to fall in love with meh? "

"Yes. And if you fail on the 3rd sunset you will become a mare once again."

"Okay Ah got it."

Zecora gave her the bottle.

Applejack gave a smile. "Thank you so much. This.. this means a lot."

"Of course. What are friends for?"

Applejack gave her a quick hug then begin to head toward the door.

"Remember Applejack. A true loves kiss." Said Zecora

Applejack nodded and headed out, heading straight to Twilight's castle to explain her plan.


"Thats a pretty big task you're asking me to do Applejack."

Applejack held her head low. "Ah know..."

"Hmm." Twilight held a hoof to her chin and was lost in thought. Her eyes looked toward the bookself. "Maybe...I could.. hmm.."

She begin to pull out books with her magic. Flipping through the pages, she begin to pace back and forth. Applejack held her breath.

"If ya can't do it. Its okay."

Twilight looked up from her book. "Its not that. I could do it. Its just why do you want this? It'll give Rarity a huge headache And she'll probably go crazy."

"Yeah, Ah know. But look at me. I'm a mare. She'll never love meh as a mare." Tears begin to form in her eyes. " Its better if we do it this way. As if I never existed .."

Twilight frowned. "Applejack,.are you sure you want this?"

"Yes." She nodded. "Only for 3 days. If I win her love then I'll stay a stallion. If ah don't I'll turn back into a mare.

"Okay." Twilight eyed her for a moment. She flipped through a book. " With this spell. It should-"

She was cut off when she felt Applejack's hooves wrap around her neck and shoulders. She felt Applejack bury her face in her mane.

"A-Applejack?" Twilight blushed deeply. She chuckled nervously. It was rare when Applejack showed this much affection. It caught twilight off guard. In fact Applejacks hug was lasting a bit long.

" Ah love ya Twilight." Applejack whispered softly. " Ah love what you're doing for meh. You're ma best friend."

"That's what friends are for, Applejack." Twilight gave a smile, returning the hug. "Ill support you no matter what and hey. Itll only be for 3 days."

"Eeyup."'Applejack pulled away with a smile. " Well, lets do this."

Twilight nodded. " Hope you're ready for this."

"Oh Twily." Applejack smiled. " I was born ready. Oh and Twilight my new name will be Applebuck."

Twilight nodded and did the spell.

True love kiss (FINISHED)Where stories live. Discover now