16- Really Rowan?

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Okay... this chapter is going to be small 'cuz I didn't know what to write...

I was also in Spanish class...



"Tamlin." He snarled and walked forward. 

"Well, well, well... What are we doing here?" He growld, "looking for someone?" I stayed calm,  knowing he wanted a reaction.

He glanced at Rowan, "Who do we have here? "He change direction and walk towards Rowan.

He looked him up and down. "Tamlin" he introduced yourself holding out his hand. 

"Rowan." My friend replied, starring down at Tamlin's hand. He withdrew it.

"Fine." He turned back to me, "So. Why are you here, they all left, probably because of you." He turned around again. "I don't really care," He waved his hand around. "Do whatever you want, my court already hates me." keeping his back to us he walked into the forest. 

"Wait." Rowan said softly and Tamlin stilled. "You hate him, but you'll just let us walk away?"

I mentally cursed. Seriously? He let us go and you asked why? Why did you have to ask? 

"My house is falling apart because of his mate. I don't really need him here destroying everything still standing." 

I started to walk backwards. Tamlin wanted me gone and I was happy to oblige. 

"You could get your revenge right now, why wouldn't you?" 

What is he doing? Dose he want me to get killed???

"Look. Just leave. I don't wan to fight," He dismissed. I grabbed Rowan and started walking the way we came. Rowan grabbed my arm, stopping me.

"He Tok your mate from you. why would you not get revenge now what you have the chance?"

What is he doing? Dose he want us to fight?

"I don't want you to fight." He said, seeming reading my mind. "I'm nearly curious. You have done so much bad to each other, why are you leaving each other be?"

"We do not with for destruction. Both of our homes are in harms way." Tamlin responded.



"Wait... wHAT?!?"I turned to Tamlin, "How is my home in danger?"

"Well. You're here." He smirked, "Who's gaurding your house? With Hybern on our continent you should be careful." He smirk widened. 

The little-

"Wow," Rowan said from next to me, sounding unamused "You hate Rhyshand. You could have gotten revenge on him but instead you sent your traitorous armies to this home. Bravo. I applaud you." With that Rowan turned and walked back the way we came. I say a flash of light from the direction he walked and knew he shifted and was ready to fly home.

I started at Tamlin. "You're invading my home?"

"Oh no! Not me! Hybern!" 

I snapped. 

I punched him squarely in the face and pushed him into a tree. 

"If you heard any of my people I will personally kill you after watching me destroy your Court." 

"You dare threaten me my own home after letting you walk free?" he snarled softly, struggling under me. 

"I do, but on,y after you threatened me, neither of us do well with threats."

He finally got out from under me and pushed me back. 

"Just leave, protect your people, I don't care."

I did just that.

I found Rowan's hawk and we hurried home. 


I'm sorry it's so short.


Until I update again my friends,


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