22- OOHH Rowan's Jealous

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I've also had major writers block and was just being super lazy. Procrastination in its finest am I right?

Also, sorry if this is bad, I'm kinda sick and can't think right now.

And even though its late, because of writers block and procrastination, this will be a short chapter. Sorry.

Basically just a filler chapter.


As we were questioning Rowan I noticed Az break away from our group. He walked over to Aelin and said something to her, which she replied by sticking out her hand. I watched as Az shook it and smiled. He stayed there, looking as if they were having a conversation.

I poked Rhys and nodded at Az. "What do you think they're doing?"

At that the whole group turned around to look. "Talking." Rhys said, stating the obvious.

"No duh. I meant why do you think he went over there."

"He know what its like being cast out. He's probably comforting her."

We watched as the continued talking, oblivious that we were watching. Aelin said something that made Azriel laugh, and he sat down, no longer kneeling. She looked cautious, as if expecting Az to cause her harm. When he settled he put his hands up, showing he had no weapons. Aelin still leaned back.

We watched them as they settled back into a soft conversation. I looked back at the group. Rowan had a look on his face, but not a good one. One of envy.

"Are you okay?" I startled at the voice behind me, Cass.

Rowan turned slightly. "She doesn't realize she's safe. She wont talk to me, even recognize I'm here. What about him is trustworthy? She doesn't even know him!"

At his outburst Aelin realized we were watching them and quieted. Azriel tried to get her to keep talking but she just curled into herself again. Az turned around and shot Rowan a look, really? is what he seemed to be saying.

I didn't know how to handle this, she was afraid of everyone but Az and her 'friend' was being overprotective.

"We should leave them here." Amren spoke up from the back of the group. "She seems comfortable with Azriel, she'll be fine" as she turned around and walked out of the room. Mor nodded and followed, Cassian right behind her.

I looked at Rhys, he put a hand on Rowan's arm and started to steer him out of the room.

"No, she could be taken again!" He shouted in the door way.

"No she won't" Rhys spoke in a calming voice, "No one can break into our house, besides, Azriel would protect her."

Rowan hesitated before giving up and letting Rhys lead him out of the room. In the threshold I looked back.

Aelin had let Azriel scoot closer and rub light circles on her back, calming her down. She put her head on his shoulder and murmured something I couldn't hear even with fae ears. Az smiled and hugged her. He looked up and me and gave a thumbs up.

They're okay. They'll be fine.

With that I followed the group ;out of the entry hall and into the dinning room.

Home at last, safe and sound.



Has Wattpad been acting up for anyone else?

It keeps signing me out and just being stupid overall.

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