17- Take me Home

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Wow.... this is really late. Just- wow.....

I've had the hardest time getting this chapter right, I tried to post it last week but it didn't go through....... and none of it seemed right. I wrote something but it ended up nothing the last Feyre chapter.

I feel like I need a schedule. One day a week I update. Or two if I'm feeling kind. 

What'ya Think?

I feel like this chapter is still unfinished but I'm to tired to do anything about it, I guess that's what happens when your sick with a fever for 3 day in a row. 

Altho on a happy note

Today's my birthday!


I saw Feyre and Lucien arguing on the ice. They were yelling at each other and kept gesturing at me. Lucien (I almost said Rhys☺️) said something that obviously upset Feyre. I was done sitting here.

I broke my bonds of fire -I mean come on! Fire? With me?- and flipped the guy holding me, punched one in the face, and kneed the tall dude in the balls, and went sprinting towards them.

"Run" I said as I ran past, pulling them by the hands, towards the other side of the lake.

The brothers got up, mad, and ran after us, melting the ice in their wake.

Arrows were raining down on us, one landed where Feyre's foot had been a second ago. We needed ice, I watched as Feyre sprayed ice in the ground in front of us, it had barely any effect and I had to wonder what was happening with their magic. The the tall guy appeared.

Not behind. Ahead.

So did his other brother, arrow aimed at Feyre, she rolled to avoid it.

The arrow missed her and hit me in the arm, I growled and pulled it out, yainking Feyre to her feet and kept running.

Behind us steps thudded, closing in.

We swerved to avoide them, but they caught us. Knifes to our throats we backed backs to each other.

"Well, look what we have here, a disobedient brother, runaway bride, and a human."

I snarled, sounding anything but human.

Tall dude slapped my face, "behave."

He circled us, probably calculating the price we would be to turn in.

The three brothers kept melting the ice, tall dude watching Feyre, I restrained by fire-again, and Lucien by his look alikes.

"Tamlin would pay a good price for you... too bad we want you dead."

Tall male pulled out his knife a set it on her throat, sliding it across for good measure.

"Behave yourselves would you? It gets so messy when you squirm." He brought the blade to Feyre's face and slowly slid it down.

Lucien was trying to break free of his look-alikes, face covered in blood. They pulled out their blades and put them to his good eye. "Move and I'll take this out too."

Tall dude turned back to Feyre, "what's with the human? New pet? How would you react to us whipping her huh?"

I started fighting against my bonds of fire. I would not let him whip me like Maeve or my overseeres "Oh, don't like that do we," tall lookalike walked towards me, pulling out a whip,"let's experiment." He crooned.

He brought the whip down on my back, again, and again, and again. I only screamed on the fifteenth time, when it overlapped another. Tall male laughed, turned to Lucien, ready to bring the whip down his face, when I broke my bonds and jumped him from behind.

His whip went flying, and I shifted and snarled this fight was just getting started.

He took a step back, into a fighting stance. I copied, teeth barred. Fist fight it is then...

 From the corner of my eye I saw Lucien break free and tackle one of the males who looked like him. I also saw Feyre standing there gaping, with the other male sneaking up behind her. 

"Behind you!" I heard Lucien shout ground. She woke from her trance and spun fighting with fists and little magic. 

I turned my full attention back to the fight at hand. The male swung his fist at my face. I ducked, countering. We went on like that for a while ducking and swinging. 

I got a few punches in when twin shadows fell from the sky. As they came closer I realized they were fae.

Flying fae.

While I was distracted, the make I fought punched me in the face knocking me to the ground.

The two males landed. 

(Description of Cass and Az I feel to sick to write. We all know what they look like....... right?) 

The attckers backed away, snarling at the newcomers.

"Cassian, Azriel." The one I fought spoke up. "Long time no see." 

"Likewise Eris." The one with swirling shadows responded. 

(Highlady stuffs I'm too tired to find and copy.)

They backed away after that, they truned tail and ran. 

Feyre turned to look at me.

I knew I was in trouble. 

"You're fae?" She asked calmly and quietly.

"Half." My voice was horse from not using it. 

"And you can speak?" She was talking quietly, I knew I was going to retreat this. 


"Wow, thanks Elentiya. You could have at least informed us." I watched as she threw her hands up in exasperation.

"And how would I have done that?"

"You could have told me," she was no longer speaking so quietly, "all the times we met. You had plenty of chances."

"What difference would it have made?" 

"I don't know! We could have had real conversations!"

"If anyone else found out I wouldn't have been able to get information."

"I know but... the fae part?" 

I only shrugged in response. 

"A-Are you kidding me?!" Feyre exploded, "I told you everything about me, my family, everything! And you thinks it's perfectly okay to day nothing in response? Nothing?!" She waited for me to respond, and when she got no answer she turned around and walked towards the flying fae. 

"Just take me home Cassian"


I cannot write fighting scenes, 😐 sorry. 

Oh, I was thinking of writing another fan fiction. Nothing to do with ToG or ACoTaR. I have the plot and everything but I think I should wait till I finish this one to write it...

Until I update again my friends


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