Love unleashed

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It was a miracle to be present in one of the prestigious medical college.I never thought i could make it as a medico but luck has it its own way.The first day .......the first class and the first time i saw her.She was nothing like a usual girl infact she was no gorgeous girls.But something about her made me drawn towards her.

Classes began with the first anatomy day....heck what load of shit i had to go through learning all those muscles n nerves n vessels but somehow i survived.Physiology was good,logical n fun atleast it had my interest.Biochem ...huh....boooooring.....but nevertheless it were nothing compare to the perks of being a doc.

For long long days i never thought of her again ....though i came to know her name....Roshni.You could never make out from her looks that she was indian but i should say i was more happy because they are thought to be of more morals.

We were taken to the dissection hall....n hell what pungent smell it was n whole room full of cadavers good grace!!! Today we eere supposed to be alloted the dissection table groups and that was random i was praying plz god i wanna be with Roshni.

"Earth to in this enviroment also u can dream about chicks haa......"dat was travis my best friend since school and in case you are wondering yeah my name is Brian Cudy."Oww cmon Trav i was just planning which chicklet i should choose first"I joked."Well buddy jokes apart u knw dats suzie n i really wanna be with her in the group she is cute." That was trav alwaz having cruses n true loves and again finding another true love in short span but dats how he was n i love him anyways.

And well what can i say m born winner so roshni was alloted my table.....well ohk so it was no luck i just spilled some ink accidently ofcourse on her hand and so got on the chit and i picked that one see so simple.In excitement i went right to Roshni and blurted"Hey roshni i m soo...happy that we are together." and i realised my mistake with the choice of works and after hearing me i could see she flinched.

Travis was after Suzie following her and trying to talk to her and all.I had already warned him once to stop being so love struck but he being him just didnt stop.

One day i saw Roshni approach me i mean really approach ME out of all the people.She hardly even talked to boys."Look Brian just tell your friend to stay away from Suzie.Firstly she is taken and even if not, she is not interested in him."After this burstout she just left without a backward glance and i released my breath which i didnt realise i was holding.

Ohk so atleast she talled to me and screw that Trav .....ive been telling him to leave the poor grl alone but only if he listened..... well scratch that if he had listened Roshni would not have cme.

"Arghhhhh!!!! i was not acting weird . Damn I really like her now what will i do .Shit man i lost my love"that was trav z reaction to my news."Oww...Trav m pretty sure u will find your next true love now stop cursing we got Dr.Wasim's lec n u bet i dnt wanna miss it so move your ass boy"

Dr.Wasim teaches us physiology n boy what a great guy he is.He shows us all those animations and all so its never boring and talks about movies and characters so its kinda cool.He is my mentor.Yeah so we are alloted mentors amd that is according to our rolls no no luck out there,me n roshni n Trav wouldnt be in my group n all.But i guess its good because deep down this shaggy stuff that i put on i really want to be a great doc n earn lots of respect.Yeah seems cheezy but dats d reason i just be cool and fun and crazy right.

I had decided I would be one of those sincere guy who talked all study and good stuff but what to do if fate had its way I mean Travis was here n we actually had do do the fun so.....dats who i m the new cool fresher. i m the fresher's party.Date party I will have to ask Roshni out for the date or someone will preceed me.


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