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"Something great happened and something very very bad happened. ......what do you wamma know first?" I asked Suzie

"Oww.... I hate this but yeah tell me the bad news first ."

"My mom dad had called yesterday and they kindof told me to stay away from Brian ... can u imagine this."

"Omg!! Did u hint that u like jim or something? I mean otherwise how are they supposed to know. And gal Brian is a good guy why the hell would they have any problem with it? "

"No I did nit hint or anything but u knw my parents....uts never about brian or anyyone they just donot want their daughter to have a life where she can decide stuff by her own. I mean now this is enough they should no longer decide for me . I m a freaking 20 for gods sake."

"Agreed babe. But then u refuse to b a rebel so I guess you will have to go with this. And now time for good news."

"Yeah well u see I was so upset bcz of this stuff and me and brian met up. So yesterday night it may have happened that he told me he freaking loves me and I may have said that I like him too . "

" OMG OMG OMG OMG....!!!!! WOW.... u lucky bitch. So now u got yourself a bouyfriend and you are telling me now."

"Uhhh... n o about that idk what happened but he didnt ask me to b his gf and infact has not contacted me since and has taken off to someplce this weekend that I know nothing of . U know I tent to overthink and m trying hard not to. But..... what if he changed his mind?"

"Ohk first things first girl. U know that he didnt say he LIKES you rather he said he bloody LOVES you and guys never say such things if they are not sure. And so stop thinking about it. Now about him going off this weekend u dont know your stuff just came up . Whatif he already has a plan before all this whivh he cant cancel? So stop thinking the negtive stuff and start planning how you will convince your old folks. I mean tbey are what will be a hindrance to you relationship. And I have seen how he looks at you and I can asure u he is not gng to leave ya anytym soon so that my dear is out of ques."

" Yeah well you are right probably buty parents is a forbidden topic. I will start hyperventilating so lets just chill for now. Anyhow we hve tomorrow yet so what do ya say wanna go out or something ?"

"Yeah anything for my depressed and stupid best friend. "

As Life goes on and I learn more and more about responsibility nd I realise that whatever Ido is affecting the people around me so I take this time out to apologise for the things that........ Aggrrhhh shut the cell suzie or bloody pickup m tryimg to sleep here.

"Yeah yeah ok sorry....see ya later babes bye."

"Yeah bye babe."


"Hey suz.. wassup... ?"

"Are you free.. I mean can we please go out or something?"

"Yeah... m free we can definately go but wassup so suddenly I mean u thought u just slept."

"Huh.. nipes m just now tires can we pleasw go...lets say Mc D ... ?"

"Yeah sure .. meet ya in 10 at the dorm common room whatsay?"

"Nah.. make it 30 at the Mc D nearest to the clg ok..bye"

"But .. ok fyn bye."

30 minutes later......

3rd person's POV

Roshni enters the place and is looking for the an empty booth. On the otherside both Brian and Roshni's parents are sitting at another booth waiting for her to notice them.

"Omg... mom dad how are you over here?"

"Oh dear .. hello come have a sit how nice to see you after a long time and my god u have grown pale. Takw care of yourself . Dont you go out enough you know just to chill and stuff?"

" I thought you didnt like it."

"No dear I will never stop you from enjoying and having fun but we are just too concerned about you bcz we are not there to look after you. But now we have found you an amazing chap that will keep you safe and also we think now you have grown enough to.tke your own decision. He is the one that made us realise this all. So now we chise him for you."

"What but mom shouldnt it also be my decision?" She states with a frown on her pretty face.

"Ohh well just meet this guy once amd m sure u will love him."

"Ok. Where n when."

"Ow .. dear donot be so sad.. and he is right here infact just behind you."

And then she turns and her jaw drops to the floor.

"Brian..... u.. ."

"Hey babe its good to see you too.... sorry for leaving this weekend but u see I had something very important. I had to make sure that my soon-to-be girlfriend can surely be my girlfriend"

And definately her eyes were overflowing with tears. But they were the tears of joy..happiness....elation...surprize and love.

"But...but how is this possible. Mom dad are here with you.? Ohh god if I am dreaming I donot wanna wakeup."


"Yeah well let have the pleasure of explaining. When I went of of your room to take the call well it was Travis nd he explained that Brian being an admirable sweetheart and undoubtedly a loverboy went to talk with your parents about how they should give you liberty to mke your own decisions. So...long story short here we are."

"Wait so Brian went to talk woth my parents and he is alive??.... Ohh I mean no offense mom dad but ... "

"Its ok child but yes u got quite a brainy fellow......he pretended to have a research on some subject obviously we knew who he was but his different approach had us to listen to the stuff he got. He did make us see hus point or else we would not be approving of him. Right dear?" Her father asked hus loving wife who nodded in approval.

Then after exchanging some good word all of them left leaving the love birds alone.

Brian's POV:-

Yay yippeeee..... !!!

And this boys and girls is how the romeo got his juliet. I cannot believe it I did it. My first nd last love is now FINALLY MINE.

"Hey rosh.... so I know this is too soon but from my side I promise you that I feel you are the one for me so consider me comitted. "

And her face was priceless. I mean obvio m not joking here if I had 1% doubt that she is not the one why would I go to this depth for her. Definately she is and she needs to know it .... m not expecting her to say this in return but atleast m laying my cards on the table.

" m the happiest girl on this planet and u have made me this happy. I love you and m not going anywhere ....m with you always."

Wow she said I LOVE YOU . Yes yes.....I felt like fist pumping in air . My princes .. my baby girl is now mine to keep for and m not never ever letting go of her.

"I love you too baby girl."


Now guys nd girls this is the end oh the book you can add the happily ever after scene as per your wish because there will be no EPILOGUE. Sorry. And thank you for reading this.

Thnk you pplz for dealing with my typos . Keep voting

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