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"Yeah definately. .... we are ready to take ot up"

Thank goodness.

Part1 done but now is the most important part.

"Great so now we shall begin with the questions. So firstly are you disappointed with your child? "

"We always wished for her to go to the medical college and she had done great so nope we are not disappointed right honey? "

"Definately we are so probs of her. You know I always wanted to be a doc but. ...... anyways she did it. "

So that means they love her immensely something which she needs to know. And they are definately telling the truth.

"Ok. Now do you wish she was a bit better like in maybe her behaviour or studies or something like maybe you wished that she worked or something? "

"Nope we donot need for her to work she can just do her best in studies and focus only on that we are here for the rest of the stuff. "

Wow. ..I am starting to luke them also. ..a lot.

"Studies? "

"Yeah well. We obviously wish for her to do get best so yeah we just tell her to do better because it's only them that she will go beyond her limits and succeed. "

"Yeah good. .... so now what is the next question? Trav. ..?"

M so sorry guys this chapter was a bit small. Quite busy being totally free. ......u get the drill

And apparently you guessed what will happen next so you can always tell your suggestions my twitter account is also pushti14.

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