A new begining or an end....

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After the kiss I totally felt I was a dick head.I mean I lost the friendship i had nurtured with Roshni.....conratulations Brian u r officially screwed.I just hope she doesnt hate me and atleast talks not like best buds may be but just a talk here and there wont b so bad.


The next day....

After a night of remorse and fantasizing her I didnt knw what to expect exactly the next day....so i just didnt think anymore.Maybe if i dont act weird as if the kiss just didnt happen then mayb evrything can go well.Hope and hope and hope...."Heya Brian....today we have biochem ri8...and i forgot my journal dimwit..huh..."...Whoa...Roshni is talking and acting normal so that means...OMG yay..!!!.      FOCUS  biochem journal yeah

"Aww...dnt worry Rosh we just talk wd Mr.Andrews and m damn sure he will understand so chill k"

"Hmm...ok thanx"

So i just got my frndship back.But knw wat i wished we had a talk so i could tell that i will never regrett it that i really like her Damn maybe after this reaction of hers i just realised she was just so much stronger....and damn it was a turn on really.

Just like always i promise myself that she is a keeper and i have to be worth her i have to be good ...... nope the best for her.She deserves nothing if not loyalty and commitment so i hve never got even on flirting stage qith anyone and thats like a big deal for me.

"She is emma like killer looks and all....was in mess line with me and guess what.."

"Yeah I know Trav u fell for her and u are aching to tell all those fantastic qualities about her that u like ...... just spill get over with it and leave k."

"Whoa dude so much pent up anger ....... hahaha....u knw wat she asked me about u and if u would b interested to hangout with her and all so with all this ager just go to her u knw she is a good laydown."

Ohk so.....Emma...name is not at all bad and as per Trav looks are killer but will she be as innocent and caring as Roshni.Will she just be so strong and fun and simple. Probably not....she might be just like those other bitches.

Nope this is not happening m not going out with her.

"Sorry man but I cant.....i mean O dnt wanna. U cn try u r luck maybe u r luck girl."

"Hey....are u alright....did someone say something? I mean when did u ever reject a girl that too bomb like Emma .... dude u knw u r too deep with roshni right i mean i just gave u a chance to break free from that but by the looks of it its doesnt even seem u wanna break free.Hey u knw she is a hell lot different from us right I mean not the girl that hangs out or dates and all.If she is in it she needs a commitment and a long time one and u cant handle that...DUDE ARE U LISTEN8NG TO WHATEVER SHIT I M BARKING!!!!!!!!"

"Yeah Trav I knw m in for deep but u knw wat i really really never have respected and loved and liked and whatever.....soo much .... anyone.....never....so yeah m ready for whatever deal she wants if she agrees to keep me.U knw wat bro I havent seen anyone else its like people ... umm.... girls have become kindof sisters to me i can b friemds with them but those sparks i can get only with Rosh and rest all has failed to charm me."

"Hmm.....ohk so u are kindof in love i can see it way too clearly then brian just dont act as someone you are not when woth her bcz that will never last and need any help plz contact me. Ohh .... yea i knw this guy Ryder a grtt frnd of mine he sits besides Roshni so like any help u knw what i mean so it can be arranged."

"Thanx buddy as usual ur gr8 but wen the hell did u teach abt relatnships and stuff huh?.."

"Experience is a great teacher they say....bye now...gtg.."

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