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"Ohk maam now we would like to know the preferences of a likely match for your daughter in next few questions"

"Yeah well but how is thus important in the research is what I donot get. Can you please explain it to me?"

"Surely maam .... this is a questionaire formed by the institution so we donot quite have control over it but still I guess it is just to judge the pressure levels and stuff."

Wow that was a great bluff....instead of medicine I cn surely try for politics huh..... saved.

"So would you like a doctor for your girl or what?"

"Yeah we would prefer a doctor if she is happy with that right nkw she is still a child to make a decision for herself u know."

"U know maam u remind me so much of my mom she said yhe same thing to me when I talked to her about the girl I love. Then I had to explain her that for gods sake m 20 and I m not telling to marry just asking permission for her choices and we surely will have a good laugh over it after 10 years." I said laughingly I hope she gets the message.

"Ohhh you already have a girlfriend. Hmm...."

"No maam I love this girl but her parents are kindof not agreeing to thus and so we r waiting but surely m not gonna backoff."

"Good good..... she is a lucky girl for u not giving up."

Hell yeah she is .

"Yeah .... m too. Now maam if we can continue with the questions. The next one is will you be willingly accepting the choice of your daughter?"

"I donot think we will blindly accept. See we are fron india and in there tgere us still a set of rules for marraige nd stuff and there is a strict no for any hooking up and stuff so we cannot exactly just accept we are bound by the social circle. So yeah we will give that guy a positive chance definately."

"Very well maam and now the last question. Please describe your daughter in few words."

Now is my last moment if all goes well in next 20 mins then I will have my girl forever where I want and that is right by my side .... always.

She has always been a strenght to me. For her I always try to push my limits to do evry damn stuff for her. Never would I have thought I had this in me to talk to her parents by pretending. She makes me strive to be better....good enough to desereve her both intellectually and emotionally.

She thinks and acts on a different wavelength and that is unimaginably cute . Each of her overthinking nd rambling tells me about how much she is raw and pure and perfect.

"Dude focus .... stop dreaming about ger in front of her parents."

Hell.... shit

"Yeah....sorry can we please start from begining again."

"Yeah sure so as I was saying she is a shy and timid girl has always been overpowered by those who think she is just a mere mediocre. She has to be pushed to do things she is capable of. Always doubts her talents. But she is just what we want and we are definately so proud of her."

Thats all I needed to know.

You know we always feel that parents miaunderstand us and are always opposing our views but we fail to look at their point of view .

They always see something we omit or are misunderstood about some of  oyt behavior.

It is our responsibility to make them see what we think and sometimes why we behave how we do. That will clear the distance between us and we will be able to get what we want and they will be cool with it. Wow a philosophical lecture  ...... hahaha pope brian on call.

Yeah so anyways this m doing for her and her parents I hope it doesnot backfire.

So I was preparing to leave my last move was tp be done when I was leaving.

"So Brian I want to say thank you you made us see a bit of our faults but yeah well I know u love my girl and will take care of her."

Oww... fu**

"Yeah ummm.... maam I just umm wanted to tell that yeah huh... I do lover her and that yeah she is capable of taking decisions m not contradicting you.... but yeah well u see she is much more mature than I am ... I mean m also mature but she .... how cn I say this to you but umm.... she feels pressurised when you talk about marks and she gets depressed without this and she can do better with out it. U see maam I donot mean to insult yoy or doubt your ways but m just telling my observation."

Everyone was laughing including that jerk who I call my best friend. And I was flushed from embarrassment.

"Its ok son I get it and I guess now we are no longer in India so we have to blend in and the guy who can go to this measures for our girl is good I guess so and we need to have a talk with roshni also. Poor girl needs a break now I guess being 20 means you r independent enough."



"So what do you suggest maam ?"

"Well u two go along my husband will have a talk with you n then we will talk with her ."

"Maam I think it will b good to give a surprise visit to her. She was missing you guys."

Hell yeah finally good parts are up next . I hope you enjoyed this and sorry for the wait. Now I guess next will be Roshni's  POV .

Again this is my ever 1st attempt if u like it please vote and yeah even if you dont please do afterol what is there to lose.

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