Expect the unexpected

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While i was just thinking of what exactly i need to do to make my proposal special...err...i mean just asking out on date.I mean later when i was thinking of the stuff i just thought that for beginners i need to take her out twice or thrice and then i will make her mine...exclusively.

And the cell rings...ROSHNI CALLING

"Heya ssup....rosh."

"I needed to talk to you Brian like seriously i mean you know we have always discussed the stuff about my kom and dad but......huh can we just meet.I am kindof stressed ... i mean if u are not busy........"

"Cut the crap rosh...meet me in cafe in five."

Ohk so that was ...scary now what might have come up....i guess wait and see .

At the cafe

"Yo rosh ... whatsup... now tell me what the hell happened..?"

"Ohh.... umm.. u know mom called up just to talk about stuff and asked me about my friends so i knw she is kindof orthodox so i just told her about suzie , you and  Travis ... then she asked me about my boyfriend i just denied and the  she asked about those of my friend so i told about suzie z bf and that Travis was trying on emma. Then she went all protective that you were single so i should keep a safe distance from you. She is just strictly against the concept of love so well now i guess she might just come here to live and rent a place or something and dont even get me started on the studies and marks stuff."

Crap....what the hell was this stuff her mother was talkimg about....in which century she was living at...huh...which means that i will .... huh what will i do...

"Hey.... hey.... just chill ok... now cmon dont cry Roshni... "

Ohk cut it all out now i will freaking tell her.

"Just telling you that rosh...your mom was right i do like you....a lot. I am freaked out i swear i will just make evrything right for you . Hell i will do anything for you...and yeah u r jusy not a bloody crush ohk.... i fucking love you.....now i guess u will run at the first chance...huh...i dnt deserve you."

"Hey buddy...Brian thats.....ohh...umm....well i..i thot its just me i mean i liked you .... u taught me how to live life .... but u know i can never do this to my parents ...  sorry... "

Wow so she likes me too but she cant do anything about it huh....guess fate is seriously paying off.....

"Look u know what we have a weekend and i need to visit someone let us discuss this crap after i return ohk....and u going home?"

"Nope after this call i dont think i can face another lecture back home....so will just be here...and yeah after this thick shit we need to cool it off  see u later i guess...bye"


Just incase you are thinking i am planning something big this weekend .... i can now no longer see my girl in this condition i will make it right .... yeah u wilk make her my girl .

"Hey dickhead .... i need your help...free yourself for the weekend"


Next chapter ia the big news ....like a total change in situations.

Just if you are wondering ... yes this stuff still takes place ... parents sometimes can be so protective that they feel chosing a partner is defying them . But it needs a good brain and heart that they will accept ... a realisation.

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