Roshni's POV

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                             f8nally here at THE MEDICAL COLLEGE.....i dnt really knw how to feel. I am elated and m sad because all my friend are no longer with me n m not very good at making friends too.Waiting for life to unfold before my eyes.

I have always beem the shy types so its not a big deal for me to sit alone during the breaks but seeing one of my kind makes me comfortable.Her name is Suzie ....she was also sitting alone in the mess n saw me alone so she walked up and we introduced ourselves.She is just like me so we had the connection from the start only.

I love all of my subjects especially see wats unside a body is the ultimate end of curiosity.But it is all not so fun when u have a jerk in company.Nooo......Suzie is the best m talking about a guy Brian i dont knw wat his problem is he just appeared out of no where to tell me he was excited to b with me and all....omg what a stupid guy.He irritates the shit out of me that jerk.

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