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I ran into the deep forest,not looking back,My breathing is heavy and unsteady and my heart is beating faster every second.Scars and bruises decorating my face.
I ran and ran and ran,not caring
Where the path will lead me.I just want to run as far as I can from my kingdom,my father.

I just witness my own father,The ruler of the great kingdom of Leonidas, Leon (L/n) the forth,Killed my dear loving mother,Nicole (l/n) the Queen.

I could still remember vividly of what just happend in the castle.Her body was lying on the ground lifeless while pool of blood surround her.A knife embedded her chest.I'm pretty sure that my father is looking for me right now,he probably send his search team to look for me.Streams of tears ran down my cheeks,as my legs getting numb from all the running.

I collapsed and fell on the dirt.My eyes slowly feeling heavy and I drift into a deep slumber.I promise myself that he'll pay for what he had done to my mother.

"Is she going to be okay?",said a woman.My eyes open slowly.Next to me was a middle aged woman with dark brown hair and next to her is a blonde,muscular male.I panic and put my hands on my head,fearing that they might hurt me.

"It's okay young one,we're not going to hurt you,we just want to help you out..",said the man.I slowly put my hands down."My name is Noel Kodiak and this is my wife Amelie.",he said as he gesture his hand to the woman next to him.

"(Y/n),(Y/n) (L-L/n)..",I said."Nice to meet you (Y/n),Why would a young girl like you wondering into the woods? It's very dangerous out here,good thing I found you before the bears did.If I didn't you could've been eaten by the bears",He said worriedly.

I started sobbing violently,"My m-mother..",I said shakily."what happend to your mother?",asked Amelie."Father-father killed her!",I said as I cried.They were so shocked of what just came out of my mouth.The both of them hugged me,I can't help but hug back and I cried in their shoulders."You are a part of the family now.."

I never told them who I truly am.

And that was 10 years ago..

3 years ago

"I just want you to be safe while your out there and please don't do anything reckless..",said my mother,not wanting to let me go."For the 100th time ma,Yes I will be careful,you don't have to worry about me,I'm an independent,grown woman.",I said as I hug her tightly, I smiled at her reassuring her that everything is going to be fine."I know,I know,I'm just really worried of you,there's a lot of bad people out there but I can't hold you back from doing stuff that you like..",she said.I lean down and kiss her forehead."your mother is right (y/n),but I know you'll be fine,just remember your training and everything that I've taught you",said my father while putting his arms around my mother's waist.I nod,"yessir!",He chuckled and ruffle my hair.

I carry my bag around my shoulder and of course my trusty dagger that my father made just for me.After all these years,My parents finally grant me the permission to venture the wide land.I've always wanted to be an Adventurer/Traveler ever since I was a little girl.

I went over to my parents and kissed them for the last time.I said my farewell and went toward the main land to venture.That was the last time I saw my parents...


I am now 23 years old,I haven't seen my dear parents for a while.I send them gifts and letters every week,I was hoping to visit them this year.

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