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I turned my head around and saw..."(Y/n)!",Anna shouted.I cried as tears of joy ran down my face.She was riding a Lion with eagle wing and she looked really messy and were covered in blood.The entire room gasped at the scene that had just witness,the room started to get noisy from people chattering with one another."WHAT IS THIS!? AND HOW DARE YOU TRIED TO RUINED MY WEDDING!",Leon shouted in anger.He let go of hands and theres red nail marks on my hands.

(Y/n) got off the lion as she slowly walked toward the altar,ready to draw her that she was closer to me,I saw lots of cuts on her face but she still look attractive despite of being splashed with acid to her face.Leon stormed toward her as he draw his sword,they were now standing 2 feet away from each other.(Y/n) then chuckled darkly,"Long time no see...father",She said as she look up to Leon.I gasped and so does the entire room,I couldn't believe this,but he said his daughter died a long time ago.The room was starting to get more noisy ,My eyes were wide and I'm SHOOK.

Leon then laughed loudly as the entire room fell silence."What are you talking about? My daughter died a LONG TIME AGO!",He said as glared at her."Really? *chuckled* Father,I didn't die;I just ran away from home because I saw you KILLED MOTHER! ",She talked back at him.The entire room panic and I clapsed my hand over my mouth.Leon was starting to look nervous and scared."Wha--no I didn't--","YES YOU DO! YOU STABBED HER RIGHT IN THE STOMACH AND LET HER BLEED TO DEATH!",(Y/n) shouted in anger.She was crying tears of hatred and sorrow,she clentch her fist as she draw her dagger.

"I SWORED TO HER AND MYSELF THAT I'LL KILL YOU WITH MY BARE HANDS.",she said as she lunged toward him with her dagger,but he easily blocked using his sword.She clicked her tounge,As she jumped back a couple feet away from him.
"*chuckled darkly* GUARDS SEIZE HER!",He ordered his men,they quickly surround her.I have to help her out!

All of the guest ran away,not wanting to involve in the fight,because they knew how powerful Leon is.

"Anna!",I called out,She looked at me and nodded her head.I nodded my heas back as I blast the guards with my ice power as I made a ice swords for Anna and Kristoff."Nice!",said Kristoff as he charged toward the guards."(Y/n) we'll stall them,you go and kick his butt!",Said Anna to (Y/n) as she nodded her head and lunged towards him.There was a lot of them,me and the rest were fighting side by side to prevent the guards interupting their brawl;even her pet lion is helping us!

"I know you can do this (Y/n)..I believe in you.."


It was almost impossible for me to land any attack on him,he'll just negate them.I shake my head in frustration and lunged toward him with increadible speed,but he just blocked it in ease.He faked a yawn,"Oh sorry..I was really sleepy waiting for A REAL ATTACK.",He said as he smirked.I gritted my teeth,as the feeling of anger washed through me.He was talking smack about me and I decided to tag along with it,Don't worry I had a plan.

"Y'know what,you're've always been right..I'm not good enough",I said as I looked down.He looked at me in suprised as he lower his guard down.His laugh were booming through the room,he took a step closer to me as he walked around me in circle."Now you get never're WEAK and SLOW..*Chuckled* You really are a good for nothing brat.",He spat.I can't take it anymore,I swiftly swing my dagger to his face and I finally got him this time.He hissed in pain as he wiped away the blood on his cheek.

He glared at me as he charged toward me,I gasped as I blocked his sword.I then looked at a different angle and saw an opening on his legs.I quickly sweep him off the floor as a loud thud was heard when he fell on the floor,his sword slipped from his grip.
He gritted his teeth as he crawled away trying to get the sword,I quickly kicked it away as I looked down at him with a smirk plaster on my face.I placed my foot on his ribcage as I stomped my foot,snapping his bones.He scream in agony,then I sat on top of his chest,preventing him from running away.I grabbed him by the collar and hit his goddamn face with my bare hands."YOU.KILLED.MY.MOTHER.",I said as I punched him on the nose.
"YOU'RE NOTHING BUT A SELFISH,POWER-CRAZED COLD BLOODED KILLER!!",I Said as I hit his head on the floor.Blood were spilling out of his nose and mouth,my knuckles were bloodied and bruised.

He then chuckled,"You got me there kiddo",He said as I felt something sharp penetrate just below my heart.I gagged up blood as I get off him,I looked down and saw a small knife embedded on my chest.I took it out slowly as I threw it away as far as my weak hand can throw.My breathing was getting heavier as my vision get blurry.

He get up from the ground,while dragging his broken leg.I backed up to a wall,fearing for my life as streams of tears ran down my face.He picked up the sword on the floor as he slowly approche me with a insane smile on his lips.
No! No! No!

"(Y/N)!!",Elsa yelled as she blast her magic to the ground,then a ice spike went through his heart.He coughed up blood as his body limped.I cover my mouth with my hands,"(Y/n)!!",There she is.The most beautiful woman I've ever met in my entire life.Elsa ran toward me as she hugged me tightly,"Elsa..",I said as I ran my fingers in her soft silk like hair.She took my face into her hand as she caressed my cheek with her thumb,I leaned my head on her palm as I smiled at her weakly."I'm sorry..",I said as she cried in my shoulder.Her eyes were red and puffy,she still looks beautiful.


We finally defeated all of the Leonidas guards,I then gasped at what I just saw.(Y/n) was on the floor,covered in cuts and her chest was bleeding.She was in Elsa's embrace,she looked weak and pale.I quickly ran toward them as Kristoff followed me.I sat next to Elsa,she was holding her hand tightly,not wanting to let her go.
It was really painful for me to watch,I grab her other hand as I sob.

Kristoff cover his mouth as he cried,he muffled his sobs with his hand."oh g-geez guys...sorry I-I could've done better than this..I'm done for it this time",She said as she coughed.I silence her with my finger."(Y/n)..please don't talk anymore..We-we can heal you up!",I said.She slowly shake her head,"No Anna,I-I already lost a lot of bloo...d",She said as her breathing got heavier."No! No! No! You're not dying on us (Y/n)!",I said as I shake my head."Please just keep your eyes open (Y/n)!",Elsa begged,(Y/n) then smile at her weakly,she cupped her hand on Elsa's face and said

"I love you Elsa."


Thanks for reading!

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