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Her body limped,I panic and check her pulse;nothing."I-I love you too,(Y/n)..I've always do..",I said as I wipe away my tears.I hugged her tightly as I kissed her cheek.Her face was pale and her hands started to get cold.I grabbed her face as I kissed her cold lips,Tears were breaming down my face.Anna hugged me tightly,while patting my back.

Kristoff took off this head as he looked down,paying his last respect.I couldn't belive this is happening,(Y/n) was the only person that I've ever felt toward that way and I can't belive she's gone now.If only I could turn back time and told her how much I love her;but I can't.I wish she knew how I felt toward her,but I was scared,scared of rejection.

While we were mourning our fallen friend,A loud roar was heard.We all turned our head toward the source of the sound.It was her lion,it slowly approched us.It stopped dead in its track when it saw (Y/n).Its eyes went wide,it then nudged its head on (Y/n)'s limp hand,the majestic creature whine,but then it knelt down.The creature pressed its forehead against (Y/n)'s,then suddenly a bright light shining,almost blinding us.


Where am I?

I looked around and everything is white,the floor was made out of marble and it sure is shiny,but they were no ceiling,it was wide and empty.I looked at my hands,oh now I remember,"I died huh?",I whisper as I sighed.I was all alone in this place,but then I felt someone tapped my shoulder.I turn my head around and gasped.I fell on my knees when I saw her,"M-mother?",I said as tears escaped from my red eyes.She giggled,she looked beautiful.Her long hazel brown hair was down and she was wearing a plain white gown."Yes it's me,my little princess!",She said as she smiled warmly.I tackled her to a hugged as I cried on her shoulder.I was so happy to see her,she still lookes the same as back then."There,there..shh don't cry any more..mama's here for you",she whispered as I cried more.I pulled away from the hug as I looked into her calm,gentle yellow eyes."I-I miss you ma...after all this years",I said as I wiped away my tears.She smiled and chuckled,I can't help but chuckle too.

Then I heard a loud roar,I turned my head as I saw Leo.He was more majestic than before,His wings were twice the normal size and his fur was pure white,but the colour of his mane still remain the same colour,red.He was also three time his normal size,there was also some weird symbol on his forehead,it was red in colour.I slowly walked toward him as I pressed my forehead against his snout.Leo huff,I laughed and I placed my hand of his large nose."Master (Y/n),I have come to replace your place..",He said.His deep voice was booming through the entire place.I was a little suprised that he talked."W-what are you talking about?",I said in confusion.He looked at me straight in the eyes,"I sacraficed my soul to replace yours.",He said.I looked at him in disbelief."Why would you do that!",I asked him."This is my only way to repay you for saving my life..if it weren't for you,I would've died a long time ago..",He said as he knelt down."I am honoured to fight along side you and served a powerful,big hearted and courageous master",He said as I slowly dissolve.I looked at my hands and it strated to fade away,I smiled as I pet his head one last time."Thank you for being a great companion...and mama I love you and thanks for everything..don't worry he's gone for good..",I said as I turned my head to my mother.She was smiling warmly as my soul sucked back into my body,and then I blacked out..

Back to Elsa's pov

The lion faded into the light as (Y/n)'s wound healed itself.I gasped,how could that be possible.Suddenly,(Y/n)'s eyes flutter opened,I gasped as tears of joy ran down my face.Anna and Kristoff smiled happily as we group hug.She kinda look tired but she smiled anyway,"Woah,woah..take it easy,I was only dead for a couple of minutes,big deal..",she said jokingly as the rest laughed.

(Y/n) then stop laughing as she look around,remembering what Leo had done for you.She looked down as you smile,knowing that he'll do just fine up there with your mom."Elsa..",she said she quickly get up from the floor,she then offer her hand to the Queen after she took it (Y/n) pulled her into a deep passionate kiss.Anna and Kristoff awed,the ship is finally canon.Elsa then deepend the kiss as it gets more and more heated.The other two lovers went outisde to leave the two females alone.


"I love you..",I whisper between our kiss as Elsa grabbed my face and started to pulled me in closer to her."I love you more..",Elsa panted as I wrapped my arms around her slim waist.The kiss was amazing and passionte,so I decided to slip in my tounge.Elsa gasped as she moaned in pleasure,our tounges fight for dominace and of course I won.I discovery her wet carven as she moaned loudly.

The kiss made us feel like we're on cloud 9,but sadly we had to stop so we can breathe.When we part our lips,a string of saliva formed.We were panting like crazing,I smiled as her as she giggled."I'm glad your back",Elsa whisper as I hugged her tightly,not wanting to let her go anymore.I kissed her forehead and lay my chin on her head."Elsa..I promise to you that I'll never leave your side ever again!",I said as I hold her hands.She giggled and kissed my nose,"And I'll do the same for you..",She said sweetly as I chuckled.The wooden door then slamed open,revealing the two goofballs."C'mon lovebirds! Let's go home!",shouted Anna as we laughed.I looked at Elsa and I'm proud to call her mine,she will become my queen.

I once feel happy and full again..



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