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Your pov

I need to opologise to Elsa,since I made her worried about me.I decided to go to the chocolate shop and bought a heart shape box filled with delicious,sweet chocolates and also a bouquet of roses.Sounds cliche,but I just hope that she like it.I also attached a note on the flowers,saying how sorry I was for making her worried.


She is in her room right now,I hold the flowers and chocolates in my hands,I took a deep breath and knock on her door."Elsa it's me,(Y/n)",I said loud enough for her to hear me.No respond,"Elsa I know your in there,please open
the door.I need to talk to you",I beg.I then heard a faint sound of footsteps getting closer to the door.I took a step back,The door open,revealing a sad yet beautiful queen.

"What do you want (Y/n)?",She ask me,in a harsh tone.I smile nervously,"I-I just want to say that I'm sorry for worrying you..I can't sleep last nigh-","So you SLEPT with some girl?",Elsa cut me of rudely.I furrowed my eyebrows,"N-no,I told you.It was an accident,I was drunk..",I said.I tried to not raise my voice."You do know that anything could happend out there and I'm just worried about you",Elsa said I smile warmly."Okay,okay I won't do it again..I'm sorry Elsa",I said sincerly as I hand her the flowers and the chocolate."I bought these for you,Anna told me you like chocolates so I thought why not?",I said.Elsa took it from me and look at it for a while,she then smiled and I sigh in relief."Thanks (Y/n) and you better not do that ever again!",Elsa said as she slap me on the shoulder playfully and the both of us laugh.

Phew,good thing that's over..

"(Y/n) let's go and walk around the royal garden,that's an order.",she said as I playfully roll my eyes.



I'm glad that me and Elsa are back like normal.I just can't stand even a day being ignored by her.We spent the entire day at the garden,we sat behind a large oak tree that protect us from the beaming sun light.
We talked and tell each others stories,I told her about my stupid,crazy yet Awesome stories and I like the fact that she enjoyed listening to it,I even told her about my dear and lovely parents,yes I'm talking about the nice one.I felt sorry for her,that she lost her parents at such a young age,I told her how patient my dad is when he taught me hand to hand combat.My dad is a self taught skilled assassin/fighter and my momma is a lovely house wife that cooks very very well.

Speaking of them,I haven't write them a letter this week!

I went over to my desk and grab a piece of paper and a bottle of ink.

Dear father and momma,

How are you guys?
Me? Well,I just had a stab wound on my shoulder and it crack back open but I'll be fine

So a lot of stuff happend to me throughout my journey to Arendelle.
Like pirates trying to hi jack the ship im on to saving someone from beign robbed by bandits to drinking spiked drinks.

Yes alot happend but I'll tell you about it some other days..I love and miss you so much,I hope your okay there :)

Your daughter,

I smile at the letters that I had just wrote.I fold it neatly and put it inside an envelope.I jumped on my bed and sigh deeply,slowly drifting to sleep while dreaming about Elsa in my arms.


Timeskip to the next morning
Elsa's pov

"Your highness,you need a heir for the future throne of Arendelle as soon as posible.",said one of the council members."And we had arranged you a suitor for next month...",he continued.I sigh,I hate it when suitors came her and tried to woo me.All they wanted is just the same,my body and the power to rule Arendelle,but I know it's for the good of Arendelle and  it is my duty to protect my kingdom."But,I-I just need some more can you just cancel the plan?",I said,"My apologies your highness,but we cannot cancel the proposal.",said another one of the council member."Very well then",I said.

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