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Your pov

I curled on the corner of the dusty old room of mine.Tears ran down my pale face as I shake in fear,"Tch,your nothing but a failiure,a coward and a useless good for nothing brat.",Spat my father as he smack my head.My mother begged him to stop but he just wont listen,he kept on kicking,punching,slapping and such.It sure stings a lot,he even sometimes drag his knife on my neck.

But suddenly,the picture of Elsa getting stab multiple time on the chest by my father flash before my eyes.


I sit up from my bed,sweats covering my entire body and my breathing was heavy.I shake my head,it was just a dream (Y/n).I sigh and plop back into my bed,what kind of dream was that?
I groan as I held my head.I didn't sleep at all after that horrible and disturbing dream,I just lay down on my bed looking at the ceiling as I think about the dream.

I didn't get much sleep last night,there's dark cicle underneathe my red eyes.My hair was all ruffled and messy,I sigh and went out of bed and went straight to the bathroom.


I'm in the library,reading a map and updating my journal that I use to write down the story of my amazing journey.It was really peaceful and quite in here,all I can hear was the sound of me flipping through the pages of the book.

I close my book and roll the map neatly,the door then open.It was Elsa,I smile as I wave at her.She waved back and went toward me,"(Y/n) what are you doing here?",She ask as I pointed at the rolled map in my hands."Oh nothing,just writing some stuff down on my book",I said as I show her the book."wow I didn't know you like to write",she said.I chuckled,"actually I do,It helps me clear my mind off things",I replied to her previous question.She giggled and went over to a sofa and sat on it,while I was busy packing my stuff Elsa said,"(Y/n),you won't belive this but..I just found a suitor!",I froze for a moment..she found a suitor?
My heart ache instantly."(Y-Y/n)..what's wrong?",She ask me as I balled my fist tightly,my bangs were covering my eyes,Something inside me just snapped.I chuckled darkly,"Do you really wanna know what's wrong?",I ask her as she slowly nod her head."Your the one that's wrong here!",I said as I slam my fist on the surface of the wooden table.Elsa gasped,"Why the hell would you marry someone that you barely even know! Oh,lemme guess,it must be those council members forcing you to do that! Elsa your a QUEEN! YOU can decided on your own,you don't need them to push you around!",I barked.She just looked at me,her eyes were wide and tears roll down her beautiful blue eyes.I quickly realised was I just said,I went over to her to calm her down,"Elsa I-","ENOUGH!",I jerk my hand back,startled by her tone."How dare you say that to me! You should have respected my decisions and I'm doing this for MY kingdom and it's people!",She said as she step right infront of me,"But what about you?! You just can't keep on faking your feelings for someone,you'll never be happy-","WHO CARES ABOUT ME BEING HAPPY?! AS LONG AS MY KINGDOM AND THE PEOPLE ARE SAFE THAT I'M FINE WITH THAT!!",Elsa snap back."But-","I SAID ENOUGH! LEAVE NOW."She said as she point her finger to the door.I gasped,"You know what? Fine! I was about to do it anyway",I said as I grab all my stuff and strom out,As I step out,I could hear her sobbing,I bit my lips and not turning back.


I went back to my room,quickly packing all of my stuff into my large bag.Then someone knock on my door,"(Y/n)..?", said Anna as she stick her head out on the the door.She look at me worrily,"(Y/n),you don't have to do have to stay here please..",Anna begged as she hold my hands in hers,trying to stop me from further packing my stuff.I quickly yanked it away from her,"Anna,I'm sorry but I have to go now",I said, secretly wanted to stay."(Y/n) please,why are you like this!?",Anna ask and I just stay quite,packing my belongings.She grab my collar and shake me,"(Y/n) please tell me!",she begged.I put my hand on her shoulder,"Anna,I'm a traveler,I'm going to continue where I left of",I said as I cling my bag around my shoulders.I sigh and pat her head,"Try not to get in trouble while I'm gone okay?",I said as I smile.She nod her head as she wipe away her tears,"Can I aleast company you to the docks?",she ask as I nod my head."Oh! I'll go and get Elsa!",she said just as she was about to run of to Elsa,I grab her wrist quickly."No! I mean,there's no need,just tell her I said bye",I said as I let her wrist go.She look at me in confusion,"Are you sure?",she ask.I nod my head and sigh in relief.


When we arrived at the docks,We saw Kristoff  and he look at me ,slightly puzzled."(Y/n),your leaving?",he said in disbelief.I nod my head sadly as I pat his wide shoulder.Anna look like she was in the verge of tears,I felt horribly guilty."Guys stop sulking and give me a big hug!",I said as entushiastic as I can as I extend my arms.The both of them hug me tightly,"yay! Warm hugs!", said Olaf as he join us in the group hug.All of us laugh for awhile,the horn blared,signaling the ship is about to sail.I wave them goodnye one last time as I get on the boat,"When you got the chance to visit us,please don't hesitate to come over!"Anna said quite loudly.I smile and nod my head,"Bye guys! Oh! and Kristoff,make sure she's pregnant by the time I got back !"I said as Kristoff wink and smirk ,Anna blush deep red as I wave them goodbye.
I chuckled,I went inside the ship and went to the bar.I sat next to a guy that was talking to another guy."I'm heading to Leonidas to visit my kids", he said as I take a sipfrom the drink,I pay full attention on their conversation"Leonidas? That's a long journey and have you'd heard about the king that loses his wife AND daughter..poor guy..",He said as my eyes went wide.That guy doesn't deserve any sympathy,He is a cold blooded,thrist for power,killer.I tighen the grip of my hand on the glass bottle,"Woah! You okay?",he said as he point at my hand.It turns out that I grip on the bottle too hard it breaks and my hand was bleeding.

I didn't even realised until I felt it stings,one of the waiteress bring me to the medical room and bandaged my hand.I lay on the bed and ever time I think anout Elsa,I felt misrable and lonely.Suddenly a single tear ran down my cheek,my eyes stings and my throat got drier as sobs escaped from my mouth.

I just hate myself ,I'm always like this.I always run away from my problems and just left it behind.After crying for almost an hour , I then passed out due to exhaustion.



I look around the castle for her yet I can't find her.I think thr both of us went too far yesterday,Where on Earth is she?
I asked Kai and Gerda,but their answers are the same that is 'no'
I sigh,maybe she's playing with Anna?
Then I saw her with Kristoff and Olaf waddling by her side,Anna looked quite sad and she kinda looked like she just cried.

I quickly approche her,"'Anna! What's wrong?",I said worriedly.She just shake her head as Kristoff speaks for her,"(Y/n)…uh",Kristoff said as he look at Anna."She said goodbye to you",She said as I look at her in confusion."(Y/n)..went back to ther adventures and left us ",Kristoff said as he avoid making eye contact with anyone.My eyes went wide as I look at the ground in shock.It's all my fault,I'm the one who told her to leave .I quickly ran inside my room as ice slowly started to form on the wall and the ground.I can't take it,I broke down there as I fell on my knees.My eyes stings as stream of tears run down my pale cold cheeks as I grip the hem of my shirt."(Y/n)...",I whisper as I cried on the corner of the floor.


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