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Ken's POV

"Marcus please tell me why you are crying" I begged

"I just feel like I let everyone down, I had an opportunity of a lifetime and I failed everyone and myself" He said ashamed

"Are you serious?" " You were and still are one of the most talented people to ever be on that show, even though you didn't make the band you were pretty fucking close. And to be honest you didn't let anybody down, you know how many people were proud of you, how many people want you to be successful. Just because something as simple as this happens doesn't mean it's your fault or that you have to give up. Just wait a while things will work out." I reassured

"But I promised so many people. So many fans wanted me to make it. My brothers my mom, the guys on the show. You even wanted me to make it!!! So don't tell me that everything is gonna be alright because I know what's gonna happen. I'm gonna go back to doing these stupid small gigs and everyone is just gonna forget about me!!" He said angrily

"You really think that? You really think that the people that invested their lives and money in to you will just forget about you. Jon, Miles, and Cameron were off and everyone still talks about them. I know people that want the best for then still as a matter of fact. Now I know you're hurt and all but you have to realise that you weren't the only person to not make the band. Mikey and Jaden were there with you. Mikey worked his ass off to put out a single..WITH MILES...Jaden is probably gospeling the hell out of people right now..hell even Jay is working on something" I said annoyed

"I'm not them" Marcus said coldly

"I don't if you really want this you have to work for it. You have to learn from you're mistakes and work to make yourself better. If you don't then I don't know what to tell you." I said while walking out.

"You really think I can do it." He asked hopefuly.

"I know so" I said as I left his room

She really didn't leave much description on the ending of the request so I just ended it....

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