Chapter Four

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Sighing I grabbed the glass out of Nik's hand and downed it. The burn it caused as it went down slightly soothing. Leaning back against the desk in the room I sighed again placing the cool glass against my head.

"Well sister, what has upset you?" Nik smirked getting an eye roll from me. He took the glass from me tutting before filling it up and drinking it himself.

"Well, let's see," I started crossing my arms. "Marcel, the boy we raised has taken control of our home; the witches in the Quarter are being slaughtered for using the gifts they were born with; said witches have also linked one their own who has nothing to lose to the woman carrying your unborn child leading to us being blackmailed to do whatever they want; you have very kindly placed our brother in a box after daggering him," I stopped listing and waved my hand towards the coffin Elijah now laid in. "You are also about to hand over the same brother to Marcel as a bargaining tool. Oh, let's not forget about the visions I have had about the devious woman you have impregnated." I shook my head throwing my hands up. "And if all that wasn't bad enough and needs to be resolved we have another problem that nothing can be done about."

I took his drink again and downed it getting a glare in response as he snatched it away to refill it a second time.

"Something has obviously put you on edge sister. You don't drink, let alone day drink." He put the now full glass down onto a little table and he came closer to me. I recognised the concern in his eyes. "We have been in situations like this before," he tilted his head, "well without the whole unborn child. What's different?" He placed his hands on the top of my arms and squeezed slightly.

"The difference is that I was around to help," I lifted my right hand between us and pulled the long sleeve that covered some of it out of the way. Just above my thumb was a number, it looked like a tattoo but we both knew it wasn't. One of Nik's hands came down and traced it. His blue eyes hardening at the sight of it. "I have just over two months to help you out of this situation before I go to sleep for an entire year." I caught his hand gripped it tightly. I shook my head. "I don't want to wake up to find out that my family is no longer around."


That conversation took place nearly two months ago. After it took place Nik delivered Elijah to Marcel and we started to work on a plan. I explained to Nik what my visions had foretold, Hayley was always in one of our sights and it fell on me to keep her inside. It wasn't that difficult seeing as I rarely left. I had been working nonstop to find a way out of this, or at least to help before I was overtaken by sleep. Whenever I did leave it was to cast a spell outside of New Orleans. We had discovered that Marcel couldn't tell when I did magic as long as it was a small spell. He knew there was a new witch in town but nothing else.

I had to admit, I was bored with the babysitting. It didn't help that I stopped talking to Nik through some of it. I had found out from Caroline that Nik had slept with her on prom night and then left without saying goodbye. I slapped him for it. We were thankfully talking again now.

The only thing that kept me from boredom was Caroline herself. Last month I returned to Mystic Falls not only to collect my belongings but for graduation as well. She would have killed me if I had missed it. Nik came with me, I made it so Hayley couldn't leave the house and prevented her from doing anything. Caroline forgave him and came back with us. Even after finding out about Hayley she stayed. I think that's what shocked Nik the most.

She and Nik made me celebrate my 18th birthday, July 31st, the day I became immortal. Caroline never missed a chance to remind me I was a year younger than her, the youngest in our year. Apart from my first name, my birthday was the only thing that never changed in any life.

Hearing a door slam I frowned. Getting up and leaving my bedroom I looked over the stair railing as I walked down to see Rebekah and Stefan. I had heard they were back together like in the 1920's.

"Who the hell are you?" Hayley questioned pushing passed me with an iron poker in her hands.

"Oh, you must be the maid. My bags are in the car- get them, will you?" It may have sounded like a question near the end but I knew it wasn't.

"Unfortunately Bekah, she's not the maid." I jumped down the last couple of steps and gave her quick hug, giving one to Stefan as well with a quick hello.

"Right." She nodded at me a small smile on her face before looking at Hayley. "You're that werewolf girl my brother, Klaus, knocked up. I was expecting to see some kind of supernatural, miracle baby bump. Guess you're not showing yet. It's Hayley, isn't it?"

"You have your brother's manners." She commented. You could tell she wasn't happy about having another Mikaelson here. She barley tolerated me and Nik and she was currently unaware about me being his sister. Plus, she and Caroline didn't get along. The only reason she wasn't dead for snapping Caroline's neck months ago, which Nik had just found out about was because she was pregnant.

"His temper too." Stefan spoke up. From his uninterested tone, I could tell he didn't like her either. He had kept in contact with Caroline when she moved here while he went to Italy with Rebekah. They were best friends.

"Where's Elijah?" She asked looking down the hall. I winced, she wasn't going to like the answer. Before I could reply though Hayley butted in.

"Beats me," she shrugged. "He's long gone."

"What do you mean, long gone?" Rebekah said focusing on her.

"Well, one minute he was here making epic promises about protecting me in this predicament," Becks eyes flicked down to Hayley's stomach at her words, "that a bottle of scotch and some bad decisions got me into- he was all poetic about how we're family- and then this one and Klaus told me he bailed. Guess that's what I get for trusting a vampire."

"Ok. Let's get a few things straight." I interjected. Let's just say I had lost any patience that I originally had with her these last two months of babysitting her. It didn't help that I barely had any to begin with. "Elijah would never have made any promises to you he if knew what a devious bitch you are; you are not a part of this family; I am literally just waiting for you to have the baby to rip your heart from your chest. You also do not speak to or about my family like that and if you must know Elijah was none of your business so we didn't have to answer you honestly." I snarled. I had been stuck with her all day. Taking a deep breath, I turned to Rebekah and Stefan to see slightly shocked expressions on their faces. "Explain later. To answer your question Becks, Elijah's currently taking an indefinite vacation." As I spoke I pointed to my chest causing her eyes to narrow. She grabbed hold of my hand and looked at the number. It was down to 19. She rubbed her thumb over it and offered me a smile before her face harden again and she pulled away looking determined.

"Of course Klaus would." She commented making her way into another room raising her voice. "Klaus! Get out here and tell me what you've done with our brother, you narcissistic, back-stabbing wanker!" Stefan and I followed behind her.

Nik appears opening a pair of double doors. "Enough with all the shouting. Little Sister, I should have known. I assume the six dead vampires were you're doing?"

I rolled my eyes as they started to bicker. Caroline entered the room from behind Nik, coming to give Stefan a hug as soon as she saw him.

We all watched them. Stefan had a small smile on his face. You'll get used to it. They argue all the time; it'll drive you mad eventually. Welcome to the family. I told him getting a slight twitch. Stefan was to use to me speaking to him telepathically.

After arguing with Nik for half an hour he left to meet up with Marcel. Caroline and Stefan stayed at the house to keep an eye on Hayley and Rebekah while I left for a little while to do some spells outside of New Orleans. I finally had a couple of ideas that will work to protect my family. Plus, other spells that needed to be done. I returned two hours later and went straight to bed.

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