Chapter Nineteen

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"I cannot believe you stabbed him." I repeated looking at Nik lying on his bed. Elijah sighed at my words. "I mean look Elijah," I pointed at Nik. "Look at what you have done." He looked at me not impressed at all. "I hope you are finding happiness in causing our brother pain." I focused on Nik. "You're an idiot." He slapped me on the shoulder for that one. I shoved him getting a small grin which I returned. A cough stopped it from going any further. Caroline shoved passed us to sit next Nik. You wouldn't think it was only noon. I was found early this morning, Nik and Rebekah were found an hour ago

"Why did you stab him?" Caroline demanded grabbing Nik's hand. I looked at Elijah wanting an explanation as well.

"The witch Genevieve revealed to Niklaus that in 1919 when we were forced to flee from Mikael," he paused, "that it was Marcel who summoned him." My eyes widened. That explained Nik going after him. "Not only that but Rebekah knew and didn't tell us."

"What." I growled. "I died that year Elijah." I reminded him when he opened his mouth. It instantly closed and he looked conflicted. "Mikael burned New Orleans down, Marcel may have survived the fire but I didn't." I shouted. "And it is because of them."


"Don't even think about defending that those traitors Elijah." I cut him off. "If you do I swear the pain Nik is feeling will be nothing compared to what I do to you." I swore. I grabbed my jacket.

"Where are you going?" Caroline asked stopping me in my tracks.

"To get some bones that will stop a certain witch from jumping bodies." I replied leaving.


Arriving at the Lafayette Cemetery I pocketed my phone annoyed that they were not answering. I made my way to the Deveraux Mausoleum where Henrik and Monique were with a bag on the floor next to them. I grimaced. That is what every big sister wants to see, there brother practically getting it on against a wall. I coughed and they immediately broke apart. "A cemetery? Really?" Their cheeks reddened. Henrik coughed and crossed his arms. He opened his mouth but stopped. His head tilted and he shook it.

"Do I want to know why you want Celeste's remains?"

I smirked. "Worried it will ruin this romantic atmosphere?" I gestured between them. "Honestly Baby brother, I'm beginning to worry about you." He rolled his eyes and threw the bag at me. I chuckled and crouched down opening it.

"Why do you need them?" Monique questioned quietly. I peeked at her before removing the bones, setting them out.

"Celeste is causing problems for my family. Normally it wouldn't be a problem." I started explaining checking a bone. "However if Celeste dies she will jump into another body, if that happens she will have the advantage as we won't know who she is." I glanced at them. "Defeats the purpose of killing her." I gestured to the bone body I was laying out. "With this and a spell from one of my egg donor, Henrik's mother's grimoires when she kills herself to carry on playing in someone else's body she will end up in a different destination to where she originally planned to go."

"What makes you so sure she's planning to jump into a different body?"

I stopped and stared at Monique. "Because I know crazy when I see it. Plus, during my time being tortured by her she dragged me into her head to make me watch as she hurt Elijah. What Celeste didn't realise is that by doing so she was opening a door. I didn't just see what she wanted me to but everything else as well." Pulling the skull out which just happened to be the last thing in the bag I placed it at the top. Grabbing the ash from my bag I sprinkled some over all the bones. Kneeling, I rubbed some into the forehead of the skull with my thumb. "A ses restes, retourne au sol." I stood grabbing a white sheet the witches normally used to wrap their dead in and as I repeated the spell I laid it over the bones. I pulled out my phone and called Elijah. As I waited for him to pick up I looked at my baby brother. "You can carry on now. Go back to going at it. Just don't touch the bones." He glared at me not amused and Monique looked away.

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