Chapter Ten

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We made our way to our old home, the three of us furious. We arrived back at the plantation to find Caroline and Hayley gone and they were not with Stefan and my sister. Marcel knew where we were staying now and had been there. He was our first stop. And seeing as the love of Nik's life was missing along with his unborn child I could say with certainty that we wouldn't be holding back if he had them.

All three of us could hear the fighting event taking place inside. We all zoomed in, Nik snapping the neck of the female vampire who had just won. The whole room fell silent. "Good evening! I'd like a word." He said looking up at Marcel on the floor above us.

"What do you think you're doing?" Marcel asked leaning on the railing.

"It appears that we've interrupted a collection of filthy amateurs!" Elijah declared moving into the fighting circle to stand with Nik. "We've come here for the girls. Give them to us, or we kill everyone here... starting with you." Nik tilted his head at Elijah's words, his lips twitching. The crowd started shifting uneasy though, hushed voices muttering.

"You two got a lot of nerve, coming into my home and making demands."

"Three of us." I corrected him pushing passed the crowd coming to stand on Nik's other side. Marcel's eyes widened, I saw him mouth my name in shock and disbelief. "And last I checked this is our home." I gestured to my brothers and myself. "Seeing as we built it. Now," I looked around at the vampires, "you are quite aware of my power Marcellus. You know what I can do to your little nightwalkers here without even moving. Elijah has made the reason behind our visit clear. The girls, Caroline and Hayley. Where are they?"

He looked me up and down. "Who are they?" I crossed my arms at his question and he sighed. "I haven't got them and before you start whining," he pointed at Nik and Elijah, "I did pay them a little visit earlier tonight. I was feeling nostalgic, so I took a trip out to the plantation where I used to be a slave. And, imagine my surprise when I realised that the Original family had taken up residence." I rolled my eyes knowing he could quite literally go on forever.

"Marcellus!" I growled sternly.

"Caroline answered the door, Hayley right behind her. We exchanged hellos and I left. Hell, look around, but if they're not here the question you should be asking is: where are they?"


Elijah and Nik made themselves comfortable on some chairs while we waited for Marcel to come back from clearing the courtyard of his vampires. I on the hand had come prepared in case he didn't have them. Laying two identical maps on the table next to each other I pulled out a vial of Hayley's blood and poured some of it onto one of them. "Phasmatos Tribum Nas Ex Veras, Sequita Saguines, Ementas Asten Mihan Ega Petous." I chanted watching the blood start to move not seeing Marcel enter and speak with my brothers. I only realised he was back when I heard my name.

"No witch will be necessary, Ever seems to be ahead of us as always." I could feel Marcel's anger at the sight of me doing magic but I ignored it.

"I've found Hayley." Nik and Elijah appeared next to me. "She's deep in the Bayou. I'll try to get a more precise location and find Caroline. You two go ahead, I'll call you." Elijah made to leave but stopped when he saw Nik not moving. "Nik they are probably together and I promise I'm going to look for her now." I swore, encouraging him to leave. He placed a kiss on the top of my head and left, but not before threatening that he would kill anyone who touched me. Getting another vial out that contained Caroline's blood that I got from her when she arrived I redid the spell on the second map. Her blood moved in the same direction and stopped in the same place to. Relief filled me knowing they were together. I looked at Marcel. "Problem Marcellus?"

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