letter 11

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The next day i hung out with Michael. He had his license so he drove us around town. While he was driving he allowed me to plug my phone in so i could play my music. To keep things not depressing i picked the song shell shocked but the punk version. (video at the top).

"Oooo i love this song." Michael chuckled stopping at a red light.

I chuckled and nodded. "Its one of my favorites." He glanced at me and smiled before looking at the red light waiting for it change.

Once the red light turned green he started driving straight. But without warning something hit us. The impact was enough to push us into the ditch. Michael who was lucky enough to not get most of the impact panicked as he just realized what happened. But me. My whole body hurt and i felt to light headed to panic i think my head was bleeding. Without realizing t i passed out.

I looked around me. The room was black. even if i can call this room. "Alex.." I looked behind me seeing Clair. She smiled sadly at me.

Without thinking i ran to her and hugged her tightly unable to stop the tears that fell from my eyes. "Clair..." After a while of us hugging she grabbed my face looking at me. She smiled at me. "A-am i dead." She shook her head.

"No but since you got hit by that car i took this time to talk to you. For example." She grabbed my wrist and rolled up my sleeve. "Don't do this Alex. things are gonna get better. I know it. But i won't spoil it." She smiled pulling my sleeve back down. "And when you write those letters i read them. I love to read them. And tell Michael that i do miss him as well. And remember this one last thing. I wish i never ever did what i did. seeing what i did to people i with i never did what i did."

I looked down and nodded. I felt Clair's grip fade and everything around me started to form into a hospital room. I looked around wincing at the pain. But it was worth it because i saw Michael, Lilly and her family. They all smiled at me and i smiled back weakly. "How long have i been out?"

"A few hours." Michael said he had a small bandage on his head but i am guessing his injuries weren't as bad as mine.

"The doctor said you have a minor concussion and your lucky because in a few days you can go home. He's never seen anyone go through that bad of a accident and only walk out with a minor concussion." Lilly explained and i nodded sighing

Letters to my dearest friendWhere stories live. Discover now